
What if the Yankees had traded DiMaggio to the Senators for Mickey Vernon (Read On)?

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Legend is legendary Yanks GM Larry McPhal shopped DiMaggio after the 1946 season the 1st after DiMaggio returned from the service. Unhappy w/Joe D's producion and the Yanks failure to capture the AL Pennant McPhail shopped DiMaggio

McPhail reportidly offered DiMaggio to the Senators for 1st baseman Mickey Vernon (Whch the Sens turned down) and later offered Joe D to the Red Sox for Ted Williams

My question. What if the Sens had made the deal? How would the Yansk be affected. Or the Sens history?

Though the deal seems ridicoulous Vernon had won the AL Batting title in 46 w/.353, had led the league in doubles w/51 and made his 1st all star team.

Would the Yanks still dominated w/Vernon at 1st?

Would Joe D have led the Sens to their 1st world series since 1924?

Would the popularity generated by DiMaggio been able to keep the Sens from moving to Minensota?

How would history be altered?




  1. if joe d had a good career with the sens just like he had a good career with the yanks, i don't think washington would have moved to minnesota. which brings up another question would there be a professional team currently playing in minnesota right now? there probably would be but it would be very weird, espicially for me as a twins fan. no harmon, oliva, or carew. weird.

  2. Thats a good story

    Vernon would have been a Great Yankee

  3. Great question....I think it would have hurt the Yankees in the short-term, but maybe helped them in the long-term.

    The Yankees would have lost the final five years of Joe D's career, but replaced him with a relatively productive hitter. Up until '51 though, I think it would have weakened the Yankees - maybe one less World Series.

    But, without Joe D, Mantle would have been playing centerfield in the '51 World Series, and maybe he would never have torn up his knee. That would leave the Yankees with Vernon's bat, a healthier Mantle and perhaps more room to bring in other players instead of the Hank Bauer types...maybe an extra world series or two in the 50s?

    The, they were bad and I don't think Dimaggio was enough to fix that.

  4. they yankees would be bad like they are

  5. Yankees would have been messed up

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