
What if the condom breaks..?

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And she gets pregnant. Should he still be required to pay child support?

He took the responsible steps to prevent a pregnancy yet he's still forced into parenthood if she decides to keep it.

Condoms are not guaranteed to work 100% of the time.




  1. When two adults use birth control, there is an agreement or contract (explicit or implied) between them that neither party wants children as a result of the sexual act in which they're partaking.

    If there is a mechanical failure of the birth control, it does not affect the aforementioned contract (i.e. neither party wants children).

    If one party decides to change his/her mind about that agreement after the fact, they must do so realizing that the other party may wish to stick to the original terms, and must bear the brunt of all financial and parental responsibility.

    Accidents do not break contracts.

    If you go to a dealership and buy a car, and somebody T-bones you the day after you receive it, you can't go back to the dealership and tell them you no longer want to make car payments.

    To Kat V: Every time you agree to do something with another person, you enter into a contract with them. Some are explicit (i.e. you agree pay your landlord rent in return for lodging), others are implicit (i.e. you offer to drive me home from work one night, and I expect you not to intentionally drive your car into a tree, even though this is not something we'd necessarily discuss before agreeing to commute together).

    When engaging in intercourse with another person and using birth control, there is at the very least an implied contract there. If you discuss your desire to remain child-free beforehand (which is something I would suggest), it then becomes explicit. Either way, a contract has been made, and one party cannot change the terms of it without the other's consent.

  2. yes.

  3. I don't think there should be a law making him pay, but I think he should help take care of the baby since it's the good thing to do. Just like I think there shouldn't be a law against abortion(if it's not late term), I still think it's better for the mom to help care for the baby. See, it goes both ways for me.

  4. Yeppers.  It takes two to tango.  Even if she lies to him about being on the pill, he is still responsible.

  5. Yes he should be responsible, especially if she decides to keep the child, there is the morning after pill if they decide to do this, but no he shouldn't pay child support he should be a FATHER and be there for the mother and the baby. If he doens't then yes child support is in order

  6. yes. that's why i wear a condom and early withdraw, that's what the belly's for.

  7. To Ol' Dirty Drunkard- That's funny- I don't remember signing a contract every time I had s*x. Edit: "implicit" contracts aren't legal the last time I checked.

    When having s*x- protected or no- pregnancy is a forseeable risk.  In which case you are liable for the outcome.  It may not be fair, but that's the way it is.

  8. Actions have consequences.

    You know the risk before you play...think of s*x the same way you think of the gaming tables in Vegas.  If you can't accept the possible consequences, don't play the game.

  9. Yep.  He still has to pay child support.  It may not be fair to the guy- but the child shouldn't have to suffer for it.

  10. Of course he should be. You're never forced into parenthood. It's a choice you make when you decide to have s*x. Not willing to take that risk? Nobody forced you to have s*x.

    EDIT: I think we are all forgetting something important here. Due to menstruation taking sometimes up to 3 months after conception to cease appearing, sometimes it is TOO LATE for abortions when a woman finds out she is pregnant. This happened to a close friend of mine.

    So, if the condom breaks, and she takes the morning after pill and her menstruation continues for 3 months and then she finds out she is pregnant, how is that her error?

    It takes two to conceive, and both are responsible for the consensual s*x act.

    The woman should absolutely consider the man's feelings and position, but it should be expected that if you are willing to have s*x with a woman you are aware that you can be held accountable if you conceive, the same way that a woman is aware that if she decides to keep it the man can very well walk out on her after during pregnancy or after birth and never be held accountable for child support.

    A man can have a say, but just because he doesn't have FINAL say doesn't mean he shouldn't be held responsible for the s*x he's having.

    Any two partners engaging in consensual s*x should agree on possible outcomes before engaging.

  11. You answered you own question with your last sentence.. did you not?

  12. Nope, men shouldn't be forced to pay child support.

  13. I fail to see how you think it's acceptable that the father should opt out, but the mother should. Or maybe you think that the good old tax payer will pay for your mistakes????

  14. Why should use condom? Somehow it takes away hidden pleasure during engaging. Pregnancy is out of question, today. You can prevent it in many ways. Hormon injection, pills, contraseptic, etc. Please don't take away the real pleasure.

  15. Why wouldn't you want to pay child support? It's your frigging kid, for crying out loud.

  16. your sperm

    your responsibility

  17. True you did the responsible thing and wraped it.

    AND you said they arn't guarenteed to work.

    Depending how old you are you shouldn't have to pay support.

    Don't pay if you want to look like a jack ***.

  18. Sine, there have actually been cases where contraceptive manufacturers have been ordered to pay for failure, but don't count on winning!

    Erin: good answer, down to the basics of the issue.

    Thing is the law allows the woman alone, regardless of what the man thinks or feels, to decide to have the baby, and he is held financially accountable is she decides to have it.  I don't believe it is necessarily fair that way, but it is not as if there is anything I can do to change those laws.  

    About the best you can hope for in some places is that she surrenders the baby for adoption, or has an abortion or Morning After Pill (to prevent implantation).   The only other alternative is to man up and be a father to the child.  If it happened to me, I would insist on access (assuming we don't stay together), that way

    I can at least have a role to play in the life of my child.

  19. hahahahahhaha

    "i didn't mean toooooo!!!!"

    Famous lines!!! A lot of pregnancies are unexpected,..... don't expect to get out scott free!!!!!!

    cheap ba$tard!!!!  (not you but the person your talking about)

    How can someone put a price tag on an innocent child!!!!?

  20. You take a risk every time you have s*x, condom or no condom. How about have a vasectomy AND wear a condom.

  21. Exactly the point...condoms are not guaranteed to work 100% of the time, meaning that the young man in question is knowingly taking a risk when he engages in s*x with a woman using that form of birth control. Really there is no 100% guarantee of birth control, only abstinence, so as the saying goes :He who dances must pay the piper" or in this case the mother.

  22. NO.. because she "chose" to keep it. She made a "choice" so its HER problem. My opinion is based on the following ideas:

    1. If he used a condom he obviously doesn't want to be a father.. SHE should respect that.

    2. She should not have a child she cannot afford on her OWN

    3. If she wants kids, she should sleep with men who ALSO want kids.

    4. Adoption

  23. I am trying to spread the word: NEVER USE A CONDOM AS YOUR ONLY BIRTH CONTROL!!!!! They break. A lot. That's why the woman should ALWAYS use some form of barrier protection: foam, film, diaphragm, sponge, whatever. Or at least also be on the pill, have an IUD, whatever. People who use condoms ONLY end up being parents, whether they want to or not. If both partners aren't willing to take appropriate precautions, they might as well start picking out baby names.

  24. Yes, because it's a risk that he's willing to take.

  25. I Think The Condom Company Should Pay Child Support LOOL

  26. To quote an apt phrase, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."  If they condom breaks, they call you daddy and you pay.

  27. One thing that people do not understand about child support is that its not about the parents, its about the child. Child support is not about who is responsible for the pregnancy but what is best for the child.

  28. Well, she took the responsible steps to prevent pregnancy too, by insisting he wear a condom.  Should she be forced to suffer with an unwanted pregnancy while he gets off scott free?  It takes two to create a baby, not one.  And even if birth control fails, it is the responsibility of both parents, not just one.

  29. Yes, yes, yes, it takes two to tango and two to create a baby. If he truly did not want a baby he could have not had s*x!!! Is it her fault that the condom broke? It's called responsibility. If you engage in an activity you know the consequences in the beginning, so both parties should be responsible for their actions.

    No such thing as forced abortion. Babies aren't puppies or fish. BE RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE!

  30. u got a problem

  31. Of course.  Who else should pay the bill?  Me?  You?  Taxpayers shouldn't be expected to foot the bill to house, feed, clothe and educate the kid for the next 18 years.  They won't stand for it.

    If a man doesn't want to risk impregnating a woman he should keep it in his pants. That's 100 percent effective birth control every time.

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