
What if the earth fell into the sun?

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What if the earth fell into the sun?




  1. We would have a few survivors who would eventually adapt to their surroundings and become lava people

  2. well they probably made up the theory to make people beleive in global warming and that sort of thing but if it did happen we would burn to death unless we evacuate or something but my opinion is that this will never happen

  3. Republicans might finally start believing in global warming (maybe)

  4. it most likely wont happen, but if it did, earth and everything on it would die

    and brant, the sun isnt going to expand and envelope the earth in 5 billion years, it a star and it going to explode in 5 billion years, therefore killing us

  5. Actually, it will.... when the sun begins to die, it'll swell up, it's atmosphere extending beyond Earth's orbit.  The added friction will cause Earth to slow, spiraling down into the sun, eventually joining the sun's core.

    We'll all end up being in the heart of a star.

  6. The sun would be about three parts per million richer in silicates and iron.

  7. Then we'll all be dead...

  8. Sizzle.  Crispy critters.

    Note: this can't happen either.

    Hey Brant: if the issue is "settled," why doesn't the data match the models?  (Also, why are we spending millions of dollars to launch more earth-observing satellites to fill in the obvious gaps of knowledge that might explain why the data don't match the models?)    ;-)

  9. easy. We'd all die. Except if we found a way to evacuate earth like a huge spacecraft or something.

  10. It would be extremely bright. Far too bright to look at the event. Additionally, the radiation given off as the earth  neared the sun would burn almost all living things and exposed life would die. The earth would be heated tremendously and the planet would be doomed.

  11. it would vaporize

  12. we wouldnt even make it past venus

  13. the Sun wins

  14. It can't happen.  Our orbit is stable.

    But let's say, just for the fun of it, that the Earth is suddenly stopped in its orbit. No sideways motion at all. We would therefore start falling towards the Sun.

    For us on Earth, Earth's gravity would still hold us on the surface as usual. We would not float in the air.

    At our distance from the Sun, we receive 1370 watts per square metre from the Sun, keeping our average temperature at (let's say) 14 C (= 57 F = 287 K).

    After quite some time, we'd pass the orbit of Venus. Our distance to the Sun would only be 72% of what it is now. We would receive (1370 / 0.72^2 =) 2642 W/m^2, twice the amount of heat. Since our temperature (in K) varies as the 4th root of energy, then it would be 287*SQRT(2) = 400 K (around 125 C). All the oceans have evaporated and we are living in a steam bath, too hot for us to live.

    Most animals are now dead or dying. The plants are getting boiled.

    After another while, we pass the orbit of Mercury. We are now at 39% of our normal distance. The energy we get is around 9,000 W/m^2 and our average surface temperature is now 735 K (= 460 C = 860 F). There is no more water. Much of our atmosphere is boiling away into space and Earth's surface is sterilized by the Sun's rays.

    We are now moving rapidly. Soon, we get to 10% of our normal distance. We are now at 20 times the Sun's radius, from the Sun's surface. Energy received is around 137,000 W/m^2. Average surface temperature is over 2000 K (almost 4000 F), making the Earth red hot (glowing red like the wires of a toaster) but this glow can't be seen, lost in the glare of the Sun. The crust is melting.

    Even viruses have been all killed.

    We are now moving so fast that the Earth will not have time to get any hotter before hitting the Sun's surface. However, it is close enough that the tidal effect of the Sun has begun to break it apart.

    Now, wasn't that a fun trip?

    But it is an impossible one.

    It takes more energy to stop the Earth (to make it lose its sideways speed of 30 km/s) than to send it outside the solar system (which would only require adding 12.2 km/s to our present sideways speed).


    It is this same reason (the energy needed to change the speed of anything) that would make it very difficult to shoot our radioactive waste into the Sun.  Anything carried in or around Earth (including in orbit around Earth) shares that sideways speed of 30 km/s.

    That is why we have sent many probes to the outer planets, but only one towards the Sun (and even then, we sent it first around Jupiter to use the gravity of Jupiter to change the probe's orbit -- it was cheaper than way).

  15. YA...WHAT IF.

  16. We would then experience that elusive global warming the lefties are talking about.


  18. Well, it would obviously be the end for everything on earth and a huge amount of heat would be generated in the collision, but the sun as a whole would hardly be affected at all.

    Oh, you're the same one who asked what would happen if the sun fell out of the sky.  Let's keep in mind, these things aren't going to happen.  The sun will expand to envelop the earth in about 5 billion years, but that's not quite what you are asking.

    James, it would be about the same time that the righties would admit something is going on.  There is absolutely NOTHING elusive about global warming.

  19. when I was a little kid, I asked "why don't they just send all the nuclear waste and toss it into the sun".  My uncle said "the reaction can not be predicted, the transformation could turn into something else".  My answer is: The obvious is that the earth go up like a match stick, but we don't know for certain what would happen as a result.

    If someone has the answer, be my guest - I've stated mine.

  20. we'd burn or melt until we were dead which wouldnt take long at all

  21. Ur questions are cute.  lol hehe :)  

    If the earth fell into the sun, we would all be sweating our balls off, and then just melt like cheddar cheese dip at a baseball game.  

    But, better the sun to swallow us up rather than the planet Jupiter, because that gas giant planet would poison us to death.  But either way, we'd all be crushed.

  22. Again-6th grade,etc. Please gain some knowledge so you aren't asking this type of question.

    This is not going to happen.

  23. We might just happen to die

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