
What if the election is a TIE?

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who will win then? If this is even possible?




  1. if the election is a tie, then the Republicans win.  remember 2000?

  2. I can imagine it being right down the middle between these two guys.

  3. The neocons will win, I guarentee you there is gonna be some kind of s***w up in this years election that will make McCain win the presidency.

  4. The Repubs would raid voting offices and steal the voting machines and then declare that they won and the media wouldn't say anything about what they did.

  5. can't happen

    odd numbers

  6. Election can't be tied due to the electoral system.

    Each state is worth x amount of points and x candidate has to get to a certain amount to be elected.


    (THE TIE)

    BUT IF REALLY HAPPENED.......................

    WE'RE SCREWED BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!


  8. It's possible, but not likely, that each candidate could get 269 electoral votes. (of the total 538)

    Every election, a few people write articles predicting that it will happen but it hasn't since the early days of the Republic.

    If this were to happen, the election is thrown into the House where each State gets ONE vote.

    That's where the fighting would start.

    For example:

    What if McCain carries Minnesota but the majority of their Congressional delegation is Democrats?

    What's the proper thing for them to do?

    Is that FAIR?

    What is Obama carries a State with a Majority Republican Congressional delegation?


    What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 electoral votes?

    If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. Each State delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.

    What would happen if two candidates tied in a State's popular vote, or there was a dispute as to the winner?

    A tie is a statistically remote possibility even in smaller States. But if a State's popular vote were to come out as a tie between candidates, State law would govern as to what procedure would be followed in breaking the tie. A tie would not be known of until late November or early December, after a recount and after the Secretary of State had certified the election results. Federal law would allow a State to hold a run-off election.

    A very close finish could also result in a run-off election or legal action to decide the winner. Under Federal law (3 U.S.C. section 5), State law governs on this issue, and would be conclusive in determining the selection of Electors. The law provides that if States have laws to determine controversies or contests as to the selection of Electors, those determinations must be completed six days prior to the day the Electors meet.

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