
What if the entire nation lived it's life in hip hop style, would there be anybody working or just "hustling"?

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Good for you to equate 'hustlin' to big corporations. The rest of the country, 99% of the country is not big corporations. It's people working. Care to elaborate?




  1. No, in fact your "boys" might well be in f ifetime of financial hurt and a complete reduction of his "civil rights".

    Under child support "law", any man accused of having a child, married or not, and biologically able to reproduce (age three or so and over) has 30 days to respond to any suit against his present and future wages imputed or not (if he isnt working the court imputes the wage "he could earn if he weren't a lazy " and typically this is twice the going wage or more and need not be explicitly noted in the filings but merely infered from the amount stipulated ~ one can find the "imputed wage" by referencing the "pay schedule published by the legistlature of your state). And under the law they don't have to tell anyone 'your accused' (or your three year old is) ~ but merely take the word of the accuser as to your whereabouts; so if you aren't residing where she says you are you might not even get 30 days.

    Now after your found "civilly liable", and in arrears, you have the right to earn that imputed income. Any less is a crime punishable by 6 months hard time in federal prison at hard labor. If the fellow still doesn't "get it" that he is to steal the money if he has to the next time he is caught in arrears he is liable to two years hard labor, federal time, prison.

    After that the worst they can do is 13 months very nearly consectutive local jail time with no trial at all, hard labor.

    Now you may think they can go to school so as to earn more, but your three year old accused dad that "didn't get the word he was accused, by mistake", has no right to any federally managed funds. Period. No Grants. No Loans, nothing. Even if you are in a 'free school" state this might mean no school, as all shools get federal subsidy. Yes, the GI bill is federally managed. Accused soldiers get no better treatment.

    If he has a job woe be unto him if he gets injured. They will likely fire him and before he can file a lawsuit alledging descrimination haul him off to jail as a de@dbeat dad.

    De@dbeat dads are not listed on prison rosters as such (they are listed as Parole Violators) and can be moved at will. Even if he has a lawyer knows where he was, by the time he finds out where he is he might be in transit. No Heabas Corpus (sic) applies as no judge will bother with a de@dbeat, and GWB all but suspended it anyway.

    Woe be unto him if he gets a new supervisor that doesn't like his skin color. Ditto.

    Woe be unto him if he gets old and cannot move as fast as the 19 year old the company likes better cause he played such good football. Ditto.

    Workers have no rights since Reagan's Revolution. The means of separation from civil rights: Gossip (accusation of fatherhood sans date r ape d ope ~ the means conservatives most often "rook" anyone is with d ate r ape d ope).

    So, you have no rights. Your boys have no rights. Only Supporters of Bushwacking have civil rights.

    And given "we" invaded Panama to have d ope to bribe voters with upon confirmation of a purchased voting ballot by cell phone camera shot, and the fact that after all that was taken "we went then after the Afghan " voting anyway won't do any good. Conservatives practice election fraud. No other economic philosophy but "communism by court action" is able to compete with a propaganda machine that has over a trillion dollars to spend (d ope "profits") and a dedicated 30 % of the voting public supporting them (20 % are government; 10 % + are d opers looking for no chance of prison + all the dop they can do + no competition from sober workers because they are all de@dbeat dads!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    And I wouldn't bother trying to think your way out either. Copywrites and Patents are forms of licenses. All Licenses including business licenses are gone as soon as the fellow is made "a de@dbeat".

    You get what you ask for. The Bible says: "There are no rightious women". Giving them the vote lead to "child support law" that neither supports children or anyone else, because women wanted "retribution" for gossiped about untruthes.

    Now we are trillions in debt to foreign countries, have a Paramilitary "hunta" running the country threatening "preemptive strikes against anything that scares them" and "liberals" are running against them Blacks and Women (two things thart scare them).

    I'll bet on a paramilitary takeover of the USA after this election.

    So, we are already in "hustle nation", as mandated by a prio communist court. Communist you say? Yup. Tjhe very definition of communism is governmental control over the means of production. If de@dbeat dad laws do not control who may in fact compete in the means of production deliberately and with malice of forethought I'd miss my guess.

    But after Chaiman "Moa See Bush" gives us the Bushwacker Revolution ~ to forstall our simple mindedness from electing

    "bad people" I'll bet you will get it too.

  2. I think I'm going to have nightmares after reading this question.

  3. WTF....... you are totally wicki-wiki-wack!!!! What do you think the stock exchange is, the buying and selling of goods. what do you think wal-mart is, the buying and selling of goods, what do you think , tupperware, mary kay cosmetics, ebay, etc are..... THE BUYING AND SELLING OF PRODUCTS!!!!!! hustlin


  4. Pimps and hoes and 'dat's 'da life.

    They all need to be shot.  All the hip-hop community does is to destroy all of the hard work of the civil rights movement by glamorizing crime, violence, hate, drug use, flagrant sexuality(kinda' OK with that one) and anti-authority behavior.

    Tu-Pac and Biggie, two down-too many left.

  5. hustling.... kinda like the stock market, but hustling nonetheless.

  6. People would get real hungry because Farmers don't "hustle" the corn out of the ground, Ranchers don't "hustle" the cows to market, and Truckers don't "hustle" the food to the grocery store.

    It would also be real dark, because engineers don't "hustle" the electrons out of the generator and into the powerlines.

    I'd give it a week... then the riots would break out.

  7. LOL - But honestly what job ISNT a "hustle"? You work for a man/woman/ conglomerate that makes MASSIVE amounts of money - and they throw you ( us the employees ) enough money to get by - (if you're lucky)

    The one cliche I LOVE about hip hop is "dont knock the hustle". Because at the end of the day - WE ALL have a price - some people will allow thesleves to be "pimped" for $50k a year. Some will portray an ignorant thug rapper to make MILLIONS. Some will pretend to care about the best interests of a community to gain a comfy seat in Washington. Some will market themselves as "eye candy" and make TONS of money from it. Some make a living purposely "shocking" the public with their "obtuse" view points on life and all thats in it. Some people create informericals promising riches, salvation, or god knows what - you know how lucrative that can be. All of my examples require hustling in its truest form.

    So even if you dont follow the hip-hop kind of hustling - best believe you're apart of some form of hustling - In this world you can live a hip hop free lifestyle but I'm willing to bet you've been hustled & have done some hustling as well - relatively speaking.

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