
What if the father and mother are dead beats and can care for the child will the judge throw out our case to g

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We go to court this wednesday!! The 3rd and the father is saying he is going to sign his rights over to us is there more that needs to be done or what does anyone know about this can someone help me please I would really like to know cause I have fell in love with this child more and more everyday. The father is the cousin of my husband. Do you know what will need to be done or what please Im going crazy I need some help! Please someone help us asap. Thxs!!!!!




  1. Both parents have to sign over their parental rights.  If they do, then it's up to the judge to approve it.

  2. I am really confused by your question.  You state that the father and mother are deadbeats, yet in the same sentence you state that they can care for their child.  Which is it?  It can't be both.

    If you really care about this child you need to get your story straight.  Based on your post, I would question whether anyone related to this child should be given custody.

  3. It really depends on the State in which you live.  However, in a general sense you can have temporary or full guardiansip if the Judge sees fit.  I have often seen Guardianship given by a Judge with or without the parents consent.  The key players in this would be the Childs attorney/GAL, parents Attorney and the Judge.  They have to first determine if the parents are fit to have guardianship. If they see that they are and all they need is services then the childs (or parents) Attorney can request that the State get involved and provide services to the family to keep them intact.  OR the parents can agree that they do not want to have this responsibility and the childs Attorney has to agree that you wold be a better "guardian"....I can go on and on and on....there are many variables here that have prudence to this type of decision.  I am sorry you are stressed out but think of it this way....the Judge will decide after hearing all parties testify what is in the best interest of the child.  It might be a good idea that you have an Attorney present as well if you feel you need to contribute to the testimony given.....or perhaps the childs Attorney will have made the decision that you are what is in the best interest of the child and they will in turn advocate for that situation.  Good luck

  4. As an adoptive parent, please tell me you have an attorney who is handling the legalities of this for you.  They will make sure that everything is in order so there won't be any screwups in court.

  5. both parents will have to sign over rights, and then you will have to formally adopt the child. Do make sure all your personal affairs are in order, otherwise another relative could file for adoption.

  6. if you love the child, and adopt the child, please don't call them dead beats around the child. They may grow up and feel like a dead beat then too, and that you think less of them, because you think less of her/his parents.

    I couldn't tell you about signing off rights, never been there. But I imagine both parents have to sign them off or have them legally terminated by the courts. Sure good ole' LC can help you, being the lawyer that he is.

  7. First their parental rights have to be terminated, until this happens they can come for their baby at any time. To my understanding they have up to 3 months to change their minds. After this, their rights are gone and the child is free to be adopted. Which you then will need to adopt.

  8. He cannot sign rights over to you. Those are his rights not yours. But they can give permission for you to have custody or guardianship of the child. But they still have parental rights and need to go to court to exercise those rights. If you are adopting, then you need to get approved by the state to adopt, then the judge terminates the parental rights and schedules an adoption hearing. Where is the mom in all this?

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