
What if the father have a blood type A+, the mother have blood type B+, what blood type thier child will have?

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Can it be Blood type O, or Blood type B+?




  1. It can have any type of blood , as far as I remember the child can also inherit recessive genes from his grandparents, so we are talking four other people.So take your pick .

  2. The father could be AA++, AA+-, A0++, A0+-

    The mother could be BB++, BB+-, B0++, B0+-

    The child can be ABSOLUTELY EVERY TYPE FROM AB++ TO 00--

    Sophia: I don't think there are more combinations leading to AB - you don't know for sure till you have the father's and mother's genotypes.

  3. Their children will have blood type A+,B+, or O or AB

  4. A or

    B or


  5. In blood type, A and B are codominant alleles and both are dominant to the O allele.  (It has to do with putting a final sugar on an antigen and A and B are different versions of the sugar while the O allele doesn't put any on.)  + and - are the Rh factors and it's just the presence or absence of the antigen.  So, being positive (having it) is dominant to being negative (not having it).

    The mother could be AA or Ai and either ++ or +-.  The father could be BB or Bi and either ++ or +-.  Therefore, a child could be:

    Ai and be type A blood

    Bi and be type B blood

    AB and be type AB blood

    ii and be type O blood

    For the +/-, the child could be:

    ++ or +- and be +

    - - and be -

    Therefore, the child could have any possible phenotypic blood type:

    A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, or O-

    But the most probable blood type is AB+ because there are the most ways to produce it.

  6. O+, A+, B+, AB+ are all possible in this case

  7. The bloodtype will most likely be AB.

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