
What if the quantum mechanic is wrong?

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if the quantum mechanic is wrong, and relativity is right on the issue of predictability and determinism, or the even lower level substructure can be used to determine the higher level eigenstate of the system described as unpredictable in quantum mechanic, is that possible that the quantum computer can be built at all




  1. Quantum mechanics and relativity theory led to quantum electrodynamics - THE most successful theory made by man. We know that theory is correct to about 11 to 12 decimals past the decimal point.QED - the MOST succesful theory in physics - depends on both SR and QM being true. Can't have one without the other and still have QED be true.

    QM can't be wrong and still work so well with SR to produce the unbelievable accuracy. Just can't.

    That said, about Quantum computer...i dunno...could happen..i took a course the math all worked out, but to get to to represent that math by pysical object is beyond our current capabilities. We need things too cold, and we made too many assumptions like we won't get quantum noise intereference from surround objections. We we cousl create the isolated quantum objects then yes we would be able to create quantum computers.

  2. If quantum mechanics is wrong then of course the quantum computer wouldn't work, but though I'm sure it's still somewhat flawed I doubt that it's completely wrong.

  3. Quantum mechanics isn't entirely wrong - or the MRI machine wouldn't work.  Both QM and GR work on their own scales, it's just reconciling them that's the problem.

  4. doesnt't really matter what you use to construct the eigenstates, it is always going to be possible to expand the wavefunction into the superpositions of eigenstates, so you might not call it "quantum " computer, but, in theory it can be done.

  5. If your quantum mechanic is wrong, you should pay him in chopped up pennies.  

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