
What if the world almost ends?

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What if World War 3 starts and the world is approaching the verge of destruction, and it is forced to end when a hostile alien race invades the planet and forces former adversaries to stop the alien invasion? Do you think people will adopt alien technology and only revive WW3 on a much worse scale or do you think that there will be prosperity for some time afterward??




  1. Hmm... if the alien technology is much "worse" than human technology, which it probably is if they'd manage to get here, then the aliens will probably win that war and humans will have to succomb to and obey under the aliens...

    If the humans would for some strange reason win the war with the aliens, you would think that this would unite the humans and make them want to create a better world with peace, but I guess that the humans would still be too egoistic and greedy to join forces instead of fighting each other, so they'd probably continue killing each other. With alien technology? I don't know. But I would guess that the alien technology would be way too advanced for people to understand, at least within a very short period of time. Maybe people wouldn't even be able to control the alien technology, but they'd still try to use it, and the effects of this become greater than they thought to start with, and this would destroy the earth even faster than what  humans are doing already.

    I don't know.

  2. If "if" weren't stiff, it wouldn't wiggle!

  3. Then there is nothing we can do to stop the war. But there will surely be war heroes/heroines. We can all make a difference during the war by going on strike,etc.

  4. I'm not seeing why this should be in the 'language' category.

    But all the same... I'd think that the aliens that are 'advanced' enough to get here and invade earth would also be smart enough to wait until WW3 is over before descending down and cap off what's left. We Homo sapiens maybe the smartest organism on earth, but if those aliens are smart enough to come up with the technology to get here... I'm afraid they're probably smarter than we are. We haven't got a prayer...

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