
What if there was no evil in the world? how would it be

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wouldnt that be weird? its like the world needs the oppisite of what is good. what do you think?




  1. It would be boring as h**l.

  2. That would be great. If there was no evil in the world, I could get rid of all my firearms. However, that is not the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. It would not be this world.  It would be heaven.


  4. Nobody would have ever prayed th God. or the Gos wouldn't have existed  

  5. If there was no evil, then there'd be no good either.

    So people would have the "standard" ideas and actions toward everything. There'd be no hatred or jealousy or selfishness.. It'd be fake and boring cuz people've lost a very humane part or themselves.


  7. this is the utopia idea. if there was no evil in the world what would the world be like. it is thought that utopia is impossible. an example is the book the giver. every family has two children each couple is matched in an eharmony type arrangement and every one is equal. each person is given the job they are best suited to and every one has the same birthday. but when people are too old, too sick or too weak they are "released" by lethal injection, even fussy babies are "released" if they can't be placed in homes. this may seem perfect on the outside but the only people who see the true evil are The Giver and his apprentice.

    the point is. for someting to seem perfect imperfect measures must be taken to eliminate unsuitable people or things. there is no absolute perfect.

  8. yes....We live in a place, on a particular planet, and both evil and good exist here. If it was ALL good, we'd probably be in "heaven".

  9. to us,it would be wondeful


    if the world had o evil,we would know nothing else but good,and good wouldn't mean good.good would mean normal.

    so technicaly, the world wouldn't be "good". it would be normal.

  10. i think if there was no evil in the world everything would be wonderful!

  11. I would sleep better, not having to perform evil deeds all night and whatnot.

  12. there will be peace and i think everyone will go to heaven there will be no such thing as war no evil thought in peoples mind and im sure everyone will be smart cause no noise will be in the class

  13. Geez.. without 'evil' I think life would be boring as h**l.

    It's like that cult **** Claudia had goin' on in Silent Hill 3.

    Without evil there wouldn't be any pain and whatnot.

    And that would just be... boring... though I know that was kinda redundant.

    Not really a pleasant thought if you -really- think about it.

    The surface of the idea is all nice and fluffy but... geez.

  14. I was pondering this same question earlier tonite.  People have free will some people choose evil.  I think all thru time has been G v E. Good vs Evil.  

  15. no evil? no need for good. so there would be nothing.

    yup. no perfection without chaos.

  16. yup!!! absolutely right evil shud exist dats how gud will get its due importance..u c....but evil shud not outdo divinity !!!! it also depends on ur definition of evil...n diffrence between evil & devil(which means supreme spirit of evil nay personified evil....)  

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