
What if there was no friction...???

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What if there was no friction, what would the world be like? I cant think of it. Like, if u were to move by walking would u already be across the earth???




  1. Trivial Effects of a World Without The Limiting Force of Friction:

    Automobiles, ships, and most aircraft would be useless: If you could ever get them moving, steering would be impossible, and stopping safely would be almost impossible. It would be worse than trying to move around on slick, wet ice everywhere. Everything would have to be tethered (tied down). It would be very difficult, or impossible, to pick up a coin from a flat surface. It would be difficult to pick up, and hold, a glass of water, and to keep from spilling it.

    Without Friction, There Would Be, No life.

    There would be many other consequences as well, in a frictionless world. Everyone, and everything not tied down, would be sliding all over the place, including the water in our lakes, rivers and oceans. Gravity would become the defining force, and the continents would become unstable and easy prey to it. Indeed, life itself would quickly become doubtful at best, but almost certainly, impossible.

    The world with no friction would be chaos. Nothing would stay where you put it. Everything would slide around. With friction, most things stay where you leave them, except things like a ball on a slope.


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