
What if they actually paid the 1.4 billion in Tithing?

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5 of the richest Mormons are worth 14 billion dollars. Do you think they actually pay tithing on those assets? That's a lot of money for 5 people. I know some of them are returned missionaries and served in the church. Does anyone think there is something wrong with that?




  1. I make less that $2000 a month and I have 3 kids--I pay tithing. The church has helped me out plenty too, so I will be the last to complain.

    And--like another said--a person gives 10% of his income in tithes. Income, not net worth. If a faithful person earns a billion dollars, 10% of that billion goes in tithes. Fair is fair.

  2. That... is a lot of money.

    I don't know them personally, but I know that if I had that much money, a lot of it would be going to charity. Nobody needs that much money... there are tons of people (and animals) in this world who could use it to survive.

  3. I always wonder about it.  I guess it goes back to the two mites story in the bible.  As long as we are all paying the same proportion, it isnt any easier, harder, or better to pay 2 cents or 2 billion.  

    I know I have struggled to pay tithing before when someone from lets say the philippenes could look at me and say he makes plenty, why cant he pay tithing?  Its really about our perspective more than it is our income.

  4. You don't tithe based on your assets or your net worth. You tithe your net or gross income. So, if they made a combined 14 billion last year, and they're faithful, I'll bet they did tithe a billion dollars or more.  

  5. Hi! "Honest Joe" Smith here. So long as the suckers keep paying lets not split hairs!

  6. There's a varying degree of devotion in the LDS church, just like other churches.  For some reason, rich people have more pride and they don't like to part with money.  THe scriptures warn of being too prosperous and how it makes people proud.  I think that it would be nice to be that rich, but it would be hard to part with money.  Since I have been paying tithing ever since I first started getting allowance, I don't think that I would have much of a problem with that, but somehow I don't think that those really rich people pay their tithing.  I do think that there is something wrong with that, and I'm not discriminating against rich people either.  Maybe they do pay their tithing, and are good members of the church.  Only the Lord knows their hearts and we can't be the ones to judge them.    

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