
What if this happens?

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what if when during my phyisical when he is looking at my p***s i get a erection what will he do im not g*y or anything just what if it happens




  1. It's called "disruptive ***** syndrome", the doctor is use to such things. what's the worst that could happen/ he might ask you out on a date?

  2. I just had my physical yesterday and he told me to drop them turn my had 2 the left and couff couff... I know when mine gets an erection it is from rubbing up against things. but he only grabs each ball, he may grab ur p***s 2 move it out of the way but nothing else w/ it... TRUST ME!!! good luck

  3. The doctor has seen boners so many times he won't even notice.

    Just don't spooge on him or something...he WILL notice that.

  4. He would probaly just ignore it and know that your a guy and guys get them out of nowhere.

  5. The part where he checks your p***s only takes a minute - it's over before you know.  I can't tell you had many times I've had to experience thie (I'm 46), and I've never had an erection during a physical.  I think being nervous, yes, I still get nervous when a guy checks out my junk, keeps us from getting erect.  That's another reason I personally prefer a male doctor.

    It's very unlikely that you'll have an erection during your check-up, but if you do, he won't acknowledge it.  He does not care, he's more interested in doing his job.

    You'll be fine, dude.  Try not to worry.

  6. The doctor will ignore it, for it's completely normal for men to get erections during a physical. If you get an erection from having a physical, it's due to the touching of your genitals, not from arousal. The doctor's touch and your nervousness can cause this. Don't worry and don't react. Hope this helps.

  7. He's a doctor, you haven't got anything he hasn't seen before.

  8. Unless your attracted to the doctor, just say "oops, sorry".  Its really not a big deal.  

  9. a b0ner during a physical, dem doctors/physicians have seen that so much that they are desentasized to it.  They know you could get one and they probably get one during some examinations.

  10. What do you think he's going to do to your d**k? Pull it? stroke it? NAH! Don't worry, he's not interested in your d**k. Just relax and you'll be fine.

  11. i get one wen i get a sports phy. its no big deal, theve probly seen it befor,

  12. he must be doing more than looking
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