
What if this record breaking outbreak of killer tornadoes just doesn't stop?

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The Weather Channel says this is a very unusual pattern of storms. They just keep getting worse and worse. Do you live in the storm area? Will you consider moving away?




  1. While theres no direct evidence to link the outbreak of tornados to global warming, you'd have to be dumb to just go ahead and say that its not the cause.

    Outbreaks like this have occured before, and they'll occur again. How long this one goes on for and how bad it gets, is something we'll have to wait to find out.

    The only way I would live in the midwest is if my house was in the side of a mountain.

  2. We will get more rain?

  3. The reason for all the big storms this year is the unusually cold winter and spring we have had. It is not warming that is the problem, it is a large temperature differential between two air masses.

  4. Do you realize how big "Tornado Alley" is??  Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Dakotas...

    Tornadoes are isolated storms.  There aren't any more of them than there used to be.   Kansas is green and beautiful this year because of all the rain that the thunderstorms have brought.  It is just a fact of life around here that there are often tornadoes embedded in them.  

    I've lived in Kansas for 50 years and have seen two--and believe me, watching storms is my favorite pass time.  I'll never move.

  5. i live in Mississippi. there are a few more tornadoes than usual this year. i don't plan on moving. the storm shelters are a good way getting away from these tornadoes.

  6. This is just a guess but in Michigan it's been unusually cool in May and the reason is the jet stream has been parked way down South for several weeks.  As mentioned before, storms and tornadoes are caused by the collision of warm moist air and colder dry air, cold fronts and warm fronts.  The jet stream has moved back up, it was warm, briefly, but now there's a cold front and this will continue to collide with the warmer weather farther South.

  7. It won't. It will actually get worse over the years. Much worse.

    Welcome to global warming U.S.A. Maybe it's time to actually start paying attention?

  8. Weather is the interaction of 3 things.

    Water vapor

    air pressure


    Air pressure is simply cold or warm air with cold air being heavier(High Pressure) and warm air being lighter(Low Pressure)

    Change any of those 3 factors and we change weather. New and advanced temperature imaging by Thermografix Consulting Corporation in Canada has produced staggering images of the impact of solar radiation on building development. Go to the following link and see how we are generating heat close to boiling temperature on the surface of the planet by using absorbent exterior finishes.

    The heat generated will contribute to lower air pressure and change weather. Climate change isn't about things just warming up, we are changing weather with our development and this severe weather is the result of warming the globe.

    Hard to accept that academia around the world is blind to these temperatures and can't see them, they are calculated.

    Go to and see the cause of global warming and the fact we are reacting to heat symptoms with more emissions.

    Right now, the world is developing cheaper and alternative energy. Some of the buildings at the link above use geothermal, electric and gas for energy. If we use cheaper energy and the building is still close to boiling temperature because of solar radiation, have we stopped global warming?

    h**l No

  9. It probably won't stop.  The Rain Forest is experiencing a drought right now.  The wind blows in excess of 100 mph through the clear cut areas killing the living trees.

    Clear cutting the Rain Forest has something to do with the gravitational pull of the earth.  The more man destroys the environment the more devastating natural disaster will become.

    Also, in the United States man has altered the natural water ways and ruined the wet lands which are the lungs of the earth further altering the natural weather patterns.  Builders are building housing developments on the wet land too!

    Our own government has allowed massive clear cutting on public owned lands and not replanted as they promised they would.

    Every "SMART" American will have an under ground secure shelter.  The Smarter ones will move away from tornado and hurricane zones

    Thank You for asking me to be your friend.

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