
What if this world is all a lie..??!?!

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and there IS an almighty being - the creator.

who purposefully divides the nations and people by race...and sends these "angels" to different people... to create all these different religions and ideas....

and this Creator is just sitting back, chilling, while watching his gameboard progress...and fight and kill and populate... and whenever he's bored he'll send down random natural disasters for his own entertainment

and we're all just living this game, this lie...

the only winners, or survivors, of the game will be the ones who chose the right path that the creator of the game has set for us....

which is why there are so many different paths... and its up to us, you, the individual to chose wisely before times out... death.




  1. I have had many thoughts like this before. What if it is a game? What if it is 1200s and I am in a coma and dreaming all of this up? What if I am a thought in someone's head??? I have doubts too, let me tell you. Lol. But let me ask you this: If we were pieces on a gameboard, or imaginary people, or thoughts in someones head, how would we form coherent thoughts such as these and be able to answer a question like this? How would we be able to read the words on the computer and imagine things of our own and read and write and love and feel and cry with real emotion? How would we be able to listen to music and feel the emotion running through the words and the beats and understand songs and relate them to events in our pasts? We wouldn't. It is impossible for the doll or imaginary mind to come up with thoughts, emotions, to be able to learn actual things, to develop computers and figure how to transfer messages and web pages in like 1 millionth of a second, and all the other things we do that our dolls and imaginary friends cannot. Could things that were not completely real be able to think for themselves, talk, interact, emote, and do all other things we humans do?

  2. I hope that you grant that it's possible to see reality with varying degrees of clarity.  One person might see reality more clearly than another, and a person might see more clearly at one time than he see at another.

    It just so happens that the people who have (apparently) had the experience of seeing the most clearly have experienced the world in a very different way than your supposition.  That is, when people have an experience of what is called cosmic consciousness, they experience the energy of the universe (what we could call God) as being loving.

    You might examine your own experience and ask yourself if the more clear you feel, the more loving you feel, and also the more you feel that life and the world love you.  

    I know that's my experience: the clearer and more in touch with reality I seem to be, the more loving a place the universe seems to me to be.  And the less clear I seem to be, the more unfriendly and dangerous the universe seems to be.  That indicates to me that love is the greatest reality, and therefore the greater a being is, the more loving he is.  And the greatest being must be the most loving of all.

    Okay, that doesn't rule out the possibility of powerful evil forces, and in fact I do believe in those.  And I even think it's possible that some tenth-rate god or gods might be powerfully influencing events on this planet.  But they aren't the Ultimate Power.

  3. that sounds really pessimistic but im not gonna lie. i have thought of the same thing but i just keep being the eternal optimist because i know that theres no way im ever going to get the answer to that.

  4. Yes, seems some things in life may not be totally accurate, sincere, or true.

    How many of your class-mates, relatives, friends, colleagues, business partners, country leaders, etc are 90 to a 100 percent honest or reliable? How accurate are events depicted in religious texts and scriptures, if handed down by word of mouth through the centuries or made more interesting or dramatic to attract more followers? Were the teachings and advice relevant and necessary only during ancient times which were chaotic and uncivilized?  Do modern societies really need so many different ideologies that can only cause more harm, prejudices and wars,  than good? No one can provide a truly convincing  answer.

    But that does not mean that everyone must despair of all the institutions and people who are only partially sincere, true or accurate. There must be reasons.  Fortunately, at least most of mathematics, science, medicine, geography, languages and hundreds of commercial skills are not  'lies' but can be  strongly depended upon.   ;-p

  5. You appear to be a nihilist, a pessimist.

    Anyone who has seen a full moon, a butterfly, a bunch of grapes and  the ocean, can easily imagine how Kind  and Beautiful our Lord is. He made this world for us. He kept everything in plenty. He established a balance in different forces working on earth and  constantly guards us from disasters.

    He sent 124,000 prophets to various nations at different times for our guidance. In fact if  we keep thanking Him day in day out for our whole life, we cannot adequately thank Him. Because His bounties are countless.

    He has made it clear that He made this world as a trial for us. If we believe in Him, without seeing Him, and lead our lives in accordance of code of conduct sent down by Him, in Torah and in the Quran, He will reward us with eternal bliss in paradise. However if we follow Satan and become a nihilist, disregarding every favor done by Him, then we will end up in eternal pain called h**l.

    So choice is yours!

                                        Muhammad Javed Iqbal

  6. I've sort of thought about this before. Back when I was dumb.  

  7. that kinda helps me out some

  8. No thanks. I say good day.

  9. I believe, it was said in hindu mythology that this world is unreal

    Maybe because it is affected by time and death.

  10. If everything is a lie then there is no truth and there is no lie.

    Isn't it possible for more than one revelation to be true?

    I believe we are God's entertainment. But he is part of us. So we are a holographic sensory experience - like the Matrix, except WE are the character and God is the real experiencer. Whatever happens to us is the path the creator has chosen to experience. When we die, the game ends and God gets up from the table alone.

  11. ...well the choice is YOURS believe what you wrote or go out and make a life for yourself...enjoy... content and enjoying a life with a smile...thanks for asking...

  12. Maybe you should post this in the books and authors section. :]

  13. You just explained the present leading nations on earth, not God!

  14. wow, that would be so weird if this was true

  15. honestly?

    if that were true i would disregard the creator. i would follow my own path and reject him and deny him and the paths he sets before me. i think that buy challenging that creator and his power despite how powerful he is makes me more powerful than he is. i fought him in a battle i couldnt win. and with that it gives meaning to my life because my mind and who i am is what he couldnt change.

    BTW: you have also pretty much described the christian god  

  16. Yes this world is a lie. Just lying!

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