
What if u saw a guy diggin a big biji of 'gold' out opposite u when u were eating in malaysia?

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What if u saw a guy diggin a big biji of 'gold' out opposite u when u were eating in malaysia?




  1. Hahhahahahha Yuna! You cracks me up!! I'm laughing so hard over here.

    I wont look at that guy any further. How gross! LOL!

  2. Excuse me?  This question makes absolutely no sense at all.

  3. ek. ! My wife used to do that. How many time do I need to repeat my self?

  4. "honey, dont look at them... its fake... they just want to take you away from me coz you are soo cute"

  5. I would:

    a) give him a stare to make him feel embarassed

    b) look in another direction

    It's fine with me as long as his "treasure" doesn't land anywhere in my vicinity, however if it does happen to land near me he will be soon picking his teeth from the floor.

  6. ask that person if that biji of gold is a genuine asam mo far kor from uncle mo.

  7. I would immediately cover or shield my food just in case he decides to flick it in any direction!!! Knowing my ''luck'', it would most probably be coming towards me.......duh!!!


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