
What if vince never bought WCW and ECW?

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What I'm trying to say is would wrestling still be like real wrestling.

Also should they move smackdown back to thursday's.




  1. They would probably still be as extreme and entertainig as they where back in the day but give vince credit used he's brains buying the two compines that wwe competed with but he will neva buy tna cos we ar wrestling

    nd no smackdown feels better on fridays i dnt know why

  2. Wrestling is still real wrestling they just don't push the envelope as much. When WWE had WCW to compete against them they had to push the envelope so that people would tune into the show. Now that they don't have any real competition they can take less chances and get away with it.  

  3. Then they both still would have went BANKRUPT. Both ECW and WCW were in severe financial trouble anyway. Plus Time Warner did not want anything more to do with WCW, so Ted Turner would have been gone, so who would finace it. No offence, But Bischoff did not really run WCW, Ted Turner did.

    The problem with ECW was that Paul Heyman (even though he was an awesome booker, sucked as a businessman) The fact that he let a greedy network (TNN) set them up for a fall proved just that.

  4. wwe wouldnt be the same

  5. But WWE did buy them. Stop crying about stuff.

  6. I don't think it would have made much difference but then you can get into a lot of "what-ifs".such what if someone   else owned WCW and ECW ? One point is when Vince bought them there was no more completion (alot of people now still don't realize that Smackdown and Raw are the same program and he owns and runs both of them). so people had no choice if they liked wrestling so (actually} the McMahon's had the market cornered.

    I think it definitely should have stayed on Thursday night,but at the time they could not compete with 'The Apprentice' so it was moved.

    Many Us cities have Friday night high school football games and other Friday rituals and I know of people who watched on Thurs. but couldn't when went to Fridays.

    As good or bad as they maybe shows like TNA are good because there is no more one wrestling.

  7. We would be watching WCW and ECW instead of WWE and TNA.

    I don't think it would, WWE is PG, when ECW stands for extreme and WCW i don't think would have ever been PG... So i think if WCW and ECW was still around we would be watching real wrestling and Hardcore Wrestling.

    Yes, i think Smackdown should go back to Thursday.

  8. ECW would have eventually died, there was no avoiding it.  They were hemorrhaging talent, money, and would have eventually faded into obscurity when TNN dropped their TV deal, or it would have been bought out by WCW, since Bischoff is a spiteful man who hates ECW.  Paul would have probably inevitably landed in Vince's camp.  He may have lasted longer on the writing staff if he weren't so close to the product, like he was with ECW's reincarnation, and Vince wouldn't have reopened the brand simply because he wouldn't own the rights.

    WCW probably would have been purchased by Bischoff, and considering he ran it like a tyrant when he was initially in control, and had just as many problems with money as Heyman did (something a lot of people seem to overlook), I think Bisch would have eventually bled the franchise to death financially...that is, if he didn't run off everyone who wasn't his "buddy" with his crappy attitude.  Then again, there's a good chance that the entire main event could retire and leave him high and dry since he wasn't for pushing new talent  That man gets entirely too much credit.

    So, either way, I think Vince would have came out on top.  These past eight years might have been a lot more interesting, and the WWE product may have been a lot better with some competition, but both WCW and ECW would be dead by now either way.

  9. then wwe probably would have ended cuz WCW was stealing all wwe's fans

  10. The Prophet of Unkayfabe: Candle: I agree with the analysis about ECW. As everyone points out Paul Heyman was amazing on creative but not with finances and with the talent not being paid and leaving to company to actually make money then ECW still would have died.

    As for WCW, they still would have died. Bischoff and Mandalay Inc were set to buy up WCW until Turner Broadcasting decided to pull all WCW programming from their stations. Without a tv deal WCW was deemed worthless and Manadalay backed out, leaving only Bischoff who didn't have the funds to buy it all up himself. That's why Vince only paid like $2.5 million for it (I think). So without a tv deal WCW still would have died.

    Luckily Vince bought both and now owns the video library for both and can make back billions upon the pety millions he spent to by them both.

  11. Vince McMahon remains the best promoter in the business. And you know, I think there was a realization that Vince was truly the best promoter. That could be why they decided to sell to him. The WCW was selling for TV. Vince, then and now, had and has shows that aren't broadcast. And he marketed that way from the beginning. I think that Ted Turner figured out that WCW was on a road to nowhere.

    And, as far as ECW is concerned, it must not have been pulling the revenue. I think that is great that ECW was resurrected. But, like many old ECW fans, I think there should be more extreme matches.

    EDIT: And it really doesn't matter to me whether Smackdown would move back to Thursday. But, good TV shows die on Saturday. So, if they ever move SmackDown to Saturday that means that it is ready to perish. I hope that never happens, though obviously.

  12. Well...  WCW would have gone out of business due to no television deal, and all the wrestlers would have ended up in WWE anyway.  As for ECW not being bought out...  WWE would have never had RVD or Tommy Dreamer or Rhyno...  ECW would have the ROH position in the independant scene, and after a while, Heyman would have been hired by TNA, leaving ECW to Gabe Sapolsky, which would have turned ECW into an "ROH" style of fed.

    In the end, the only difference would be the name of WWE's "B" show...  it'd probably just be "HeAT" on a different channel or something.

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