
What if we don't have electricity? What's gonna happen give me the reasons why do you think like that?

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What if we don't have electricity? What's gonna happen give me the reasons why do you think like that?




  1. people have been on this planet for most of the time with out electricity and for many thousands of years ,it has not been a great problem

    we have had it for barely 100 years .only a few generations .

    and a great posibility exists that global War or World disasters can erase technolegy again for a while ,plunging us back into the dark ages

    and again we will learn to live with out TV ,radio or computors ,

    so make the most of it whilst we got it ,

    nothing lasts forever

  2. We will always have electricity.  Period.

  3. Read our old western history and u will get an idea of how bad it could be.

  4. Well, just go back a few hundred years into history. Or come to some underdeveloped parts of this world and see how people live.

    Why will we run out of electricity? If we continue to use the fossil fuels at the current rate, we will run out in a few decades. The other alternatives are not technologically or politically acceptable. So, unless we quickly develop the alternatives, we may yet again have a world where many don't have electricity.

  5. We do so why even worry about it ?

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