
What if we made a requirement to be president of the US that you had to live OUTSIDE the US for a certain time

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In order to be president of the United States, you must have lived in the US at least 14 years of your life. What if we had a requirement that to be president, a candidate has to have lived outside the US for a certain length of time, so that they actually learn something about the world?




  1. I think it would make more sense if we made the American voters live outside this country for awhile before they can vote, especially the ones that complain all the time.

    I did.  So happy to back in the USA.

    Vote McCain

  2. Or, let's have some requirements for VOTING for President of the United States.   Unambiguous proof of citizenship and residency would be good for starters.

  3. nAH..SUMMER SCHOOL is enough.

    And, yeah, maybe voters should live in other countries to value AMERICA,

  4. It is a noble sentiment to want our leaders to be worldly, but this is a poor way to accomplish it. We seem to struggle to find halfway decent candidates for president from our ENTIRE citizen pool.

  5. Here's my take on this...  I could care less what the rest of the world thinks of me. In fact, I think the rest of the world should care more about what I think of them. I'm sick of everyone always caring about what the Germans or the English or the French think about us...

    Who cares?

    If it weren't for the United States, they wouldn't be around today anyway -- and that's part of the chip they have on their shoulder that makes them look down their nose at us and judge us all the time. If they're such great countries, if they have it SO together -- then how come we're always the one leading the charge when it comes to different world crisis?

    We don't owe an explanation -- or an apology -- or anything to ANY other country. The way I see it, we need to get a little tougher with our stance toward THEM. I'm sick of sending aid overseas to countries just to have them trample on our flag and burn our flag and disrespect us and our leaders in their press.  Start cutting off aid to the countries that don't start showing us a little more respect. Start raising the price of exported food to these countries that are charging us $140 a barrel for oil.

    We need to stop worrying about what everyone thinks about us and just start kicking *** and taking names. We don't owe the world anything. They owe us.... and it's time they started acting like it.

  6. Let's not.

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