
What if we took all the money we are spending on a pointless war in Iraq and used it to develope alturnative?

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fuels? Then the people in the middle east could go back to their regional squabbles and we would not have to concern ourselves.




  1. To much money for the government to lose out on . Ive seen things the government took control of and will not let it out to the public because they wouldn't know how to control the tax on it .Take a look at this ( ) Alternative fuel company . This guys trying to get this out in a way the government cant suppress it and it happens Ive seen things 20 years ago that would put what we know to shame today . The government controls all even life and death

  2. If we did that then d**k Cheney and George W Bush would have to get honest jobs.  We can't have that.

  3. This is how the government makes it money on taxing this gas and oil.  Look at how much tax is on a gallon of gas by the billions sold a day.  If we went electric how would they tax that without hurting our government getting thier tax to keep it going.  Tell them how to get tax from electric cars easily and your fuel problem will be solved.  Then just build a few mor hydro electric and nuclear power plants.

  4. All the money we are spending on the "pointless war in Iraq" is only a small percentage of the money we spend on government welfare programs.  These programs have been less successful than the war in Iraq, and have been in place since Roosevelt, but you do not complain about that waste of money that could be used to provide alternative fuels.

    While you research the real government waste, consider this: how did those "regional squabbles", as you call them, cause the World Trade Centers to collapse over here?  Was it because their religion teaches them to hunt down non-believers and kill them (that means you and me) like rats and pigs wherever they can be found (like in the USA, Spain, France, England, Germany, Israel, Japan, etc.)?

    I would encourage you to search the Internet for, and then watch a couple of be-headings of Americans.  Then, if you continue to think we have nothing to fear from those people, or no reason to stop the problem at the source, at least sit back (quietly) and let the rest of us do the job to protect you and others so we can preserve our lives, and our way of life.

    Consider this, pretend we live down river and very far away from a big dam.  The dam is leaking and in jeopardy of breaking, letting all the dam water out.  Does it makes more sense to repair the leaks and reinforce the damaged dam, or to wait until it breaks, and then try to build a new one near us in time to stop the rushing flood waters to protect us?

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