
What if we were to pull our troops home not just the ones in Iraq but from the world?

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What would happen to other countries? What would happen to us? Should we consider changing our view of things and start manufacturing stuff here in the US and pulling away from other counries?




  1. Terrorist organizations would run wild.

  2. Every country would be responsible for its own survival - Hasn't worked too well in Darfur, though, has it?

  3. The problem is in order for us to grow economically we need our customers (the rest of the world) to grow as well. Fighting amongst themselves reduces our potential customer base and is bad for business. If we were to just close up our borders eventually our economy (which is based on growth) would stagnate and die. Sort of similar to the effects of a trade embargo (though in reality embargoes just force countries to find exports worth breaking the law for  e.g. drugs).

  4. your dreaming, it will never happen, but i do think we should pull out of iraq like they want us to, they,ll be begging us back in a month but i,d say adiose amego

  5. Interesting, alot of things could happen, the Middle East could have an expanded war with themselves, NATO would collapse, Russia will definitely try and flex it's muscle's again on Europe, and finally China would be unchecked to do whatever it wants. Sounds gloomy doesn't it.

  6. tell that to the president. free speech

  7. Well, it is like this.  If the Fleet Marine Force in Okinawa left the island and returned.  You have a huge hazard of China invading that island (which is a very vital strategic fulcrum point), we just crippled pretty much all the countries of Southwest Asia and all the countries in South and Central Pacific of their freedom; they'll fall to communism.  Then we'll be stuck with the same situation when Imperial Japan had total control of the Pacific back in from 1900s through 1940s.

    Now imagine that across the whole world with other countries and their issues of surrounding neighbors that been hostile to each other.  I personally don't believe in the occupation of Iraq, but if we pull out, then we just let a big back door open to whoever seeks the opportunity!  I am not sure how good Syria and Iraq had achieved in their relations but I can tell you that Abedinejad-something just doesn't set right with him.  Maybe he'll relax, since Qaddafi had to peace talk him down from wanting to go over board with his nuclear weapons program.  Now, Qaddafi had some bad ties with US in the past, but he knows that Abedinejad is a loose cannon; and he understands the courses of the Coalition Forces and our situation in Iraq, we wants to stop all this bickering, just as we do!

  8. halleluya

  9. There would be major disarray. Rebellion groups against the U.S.A would have the best day of there lives.

  10. It would be utter chaos.

    Regardless of your thoughts about this war or the administration, we serve as global protejctors of the many oppressed around the world.

    If we were to just walk out the result would be bedlam.

    Genocide, slavery civil war and famine.

  11. If we were to pull out of other countries, we run the risk of being seen as weak. If we were to start manufacturing stuff here, prices would increase due to the high cost of US labor.

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