
What if while I'm pregnant i am bleeding bright red and seeing very little blood clots, what des that mean?

by  |  earlier

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But I am not experiancing any painsat all. I feel fine but very worried about what that means.




  1. How far along are you? Call your doc ASAP or go to the emergency room, you may be having a miscarriage.  

  2. Well, it could possibly be a miscarriage, or it can also be from the placenta, possibly tearing.  Like everyone else said, go to the ER or Labor and Delivery, where they're more likely to see you right away.

  3. The chances are that you may have a low lying placenta which is quite a normal occurrence in pregnant women. This condition automatically gets cured in all the cases. Do not panic and consult a doctor immediately.  

  4. That means call your doctor!!!

  5. how along are you

    call you doctor a.s.ap

  6. You need to call your dr right away.  Not to alarm you, but if you are bleeding bright red and have clots, they will probably have you come in ASAP just to check you out.  Good luck.

    I am very sorry to hear that - I will say a prayer for you!

  7. Why are you asking us!! Bleeding can be normal or it can mean something is VERY wrong! Esp if the blood is bright red and clotted! Call your DR NOW!  

  8. Get to the hospital now!

  9. GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW !!!!! u could possibly be miscarrying

  10. not to scare you  but it could be a miscarriage...go2 er or call doctor.  I lost one of my babies (carried triplets) at 8 wks and had some clots not even that much.  

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