
What if you're in h**l, and you're mad at someone, where do you tell them to go?

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What if you're in h**l, and you're mad at someone, where do you tell them to go?




  1. Cleveland ?

  2. heaven

  3. I'd wish them to suffer as much as I am.  

  4.'s probably hotter there than it is in h**l

  5. Reincarnation; in the form of Rush Limbaugh and Liza Minnelli's underwear

  6. I can think of a lot of fun folks who should be running around h**l having a ball.  Tell the person you are mad at to go to work and stay there.

  7. If you are in h**l, you'll be too busy suffering. You won't be concerned with who threw you under the bus...

  8. To my mom's house for dinner.

  9. Guantinamo.

  10. The men's room of rest stop bathroom off the interstate in Texas.

  11. Funny, I would tell them to go to Earth.

  12. well in all honesty im pretty sure your gonna be too focused on whats going on with you to be mad at someone

  13. Go to Haiti...

    no, that's just g*y.

  14. Go back to Earth.

  15. Iraq

  16. Tell them to leave and come back...

  17. I'd tell them to go to Arkansas, due to its close proximity to h**l.  :)

  18. To get me a Double Mocha Frozen Frappuccino with Whipped Creme.

  19. even though im from there...i will tell them to go to cleveland. yea its that bad.

  20. I would tell them to go to California

  21. I guess you'll just have to punch them in the face.

    I mean, what, are you gonna get in even MORE trouble?  You're already in h**l.

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