
What if you Inherited $1Billion Dollars?

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Name 10 things you'd do if you woke up tomorrow and found that you just Inherited $1Billion dollars.




  1. party









    donate 50 million to charity

  2. 1.New mansion.

    2.Move the Foo Fighters in.

    3.Buy Poland.

    4.Import all my new found vodka to me new pad.

    5.Call that bloke from the Play Boy mansion,have a chat.ect.

    6.Make sure im not dreaming.

    7.Fill the chanell tunnel with concrete.

    8.Make Brad Pitt disapear.

    9.Call Angelina Jowlie.

    10.Happy Days.

  3. 1- pee myself

    2 - pee myself

    3 - pee myself

    4 - pee myself

    5- pee myself

    6- pee myself

    7-pee myself

    8 - pee myself

    9 - pee myself

    10 - faint.

    In that order.

  4. hello -

    1 - first i would take a week off work - during which i would

    2 - hire a terrific attorney

    3 - work with him/her to make sure i was protected

    4 - hire another financial advisor (i have one, but with that much money you need a team, so id get another one to start building the team)

    5 - make sure my family is protected as well, as I would be giving each of them some serious money

    6 - set up two bank accounts, one for each god child, and put the max allowed into that (per year) for them for college or first house, whatever.  

    7 - do the best i could to make sure my name did not get out there for at least 6 months

    8 - assuming my name would, i would get new phone numbers

    9 - fly my parents and siblings in and put them in a nice hotel

    10 - get a dog (ive always wnated to have one and cannot afford it, but now i would be able to)

    11 - go back to work until my bonus there paid out (i earned it this year) and then quit with two weeks notice

    12 - take a month to really learn about what that kind of money means and then try to make sure i use it wisely.  

    having said all of that, id be happy to win or inherit any amount, 1 billion is far more than ill ever need.  

  5. 1. I would pay off my mortgage

    2. I would pay off all my debt

    3. I would pay off my in-laws mortgage

    4. I would buy my mother a house

    5. I would by my sister a reliable car

    6. I would buy my daughter a realiable car for college

    7. I would probably help out some friends I know

    8. I would probably pick one stranger to help and make their day

    9. I would probably splurge a litte

    10. Donate to St. Jude and  Invest the rest

  6. that's pretty much. First I will invest it, save part of it in bank, buy everything I been longing to buy, travel to places that interest me and lastly I will donate a substantial amount to church and help those people in need.  

  7. 1. I'd invest it and live off the dividends.

    2. I'd start buying acreage in several U. S. states and countries and plant hardwood forests.

    3. I'd set up college scholarships for low income and gifted students.

    4. I'd build shopping malls and get income from rent thereafter.

    5. I'd buy and restore historical homes.

    6. I'd hire young people just out of high school to go visit the elderly in nursing homes.

    7. I'd create free computer classes and tutorials in my shopping malls.

    8. I'd build schools in poor countries and hire staff to run them.

    9. I'd train people where I have my acreage, in agricultural improvement.

    10. I'd set up a company to build and promote ethanol distilleries.

  8. 1. Play off all dept

    2. Hire someone to make my house the way I want it.

    3. Quit my job

    4. Finish College

    5. Pay my sons father to go away forever

    6. Property in several places and travel

    7. Get my son a better education

    8. Hire a maid

    9. Who am I kidding buy a new house

    10. New furniture and clothes and what not

    11. Invest the rest in secure investments

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