
What if you are over eighteen and you got caught shoplifting, it is my first offense, my record is clean?

by Guest63116  |  earlier

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What if you are over eighteen and you got caught shoplifting and it is your first offense, and your criminal record is clean




  1. Well, your record won't be clean anymore.

    Depending on your local laws and how much you loot was worth, you may get anything from a small fine and community service to full on jail time.

  2. Same thing happened to me. I got a ticket, had a court date, they gave me a fine (in my case I had to pay about 350 dollars) and some community service (24 hours in my case).

    Did the community service, and after I've waited a year, it gets taken off my record.

  3. Contact a local attorney that practices criminal law.  You may be eligible for a diversion program, in which case you may be able to avoid a conviction.  If not, the attorney can advise you as to what to expect from your local judge.

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