
What if you could add an 11th commandment?

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For me, it would be Thou Shalt Not Pluralize Nouns.




  1. Thou shalt disregard the previous Ten Commandments and instead strive to find your own way to divinity.

  2. Thou Shalt Can Has Cheezburger.

    Thou Shalt Not Reference Thine Junk in Thy Trunk Unless Doing So In A Coyly Irreverent Manner.

    Thou Shalt Forget All Of The Other Ten Commandments and Convert to Pastafarianism. Immediately.

  3. Thou shalt not spread viruses

  4. Thou shalt not force thy religious beliefs on others.

  5. Thou shalt not grab the junk.

  6. I like the first answer :)

    Hmm...Something about being able to believe in what you want without having people criticizing it :)

  7. But you break your commandment in your very commandment! "Nouns" is, indeed, a plural noun! This takes religious hypocracy to a whole new level.

  8. Christ already did this - He told us to love one another.

    A Roman Catholic

  9. "Don't believe everything you read"

    The irony would drive people crazy...

  10. If I could I wouldn't. Humans aren't smart enough for that as is evident by many of the questions and answers in R&S.

  11. Thou shalt not have questions/answers deleted that you are ill equipped to argue against.

  12. Thou shalt ignoreth the other commandments.

  13. There are way more then 10 commandments. Just look through the Bible and you'll find many more commandments. If you're talking about just for fun, then I think they're all covered what I would have added.  

  14. Answer 1 has it right!

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