
What if you could not buy food without a microchip implanted in your hand?

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Hollywood I feel foreshadows whats to come in the future so its not so shocking when it happens.My question stems from the movie Demolition man.




  1. I would grow my own....or in a worst case scenario....steal it!

  2. Then you grow your own food? and hunt? like what humans used to do for thousands of years before technology kicked in?

  3. I would resist, mostly out of fear that someone would mug me by chopping off my hand.

    Think about it, people will be mugged by having themselves being carved into, in order to steal these chips. Just as Chinese politicians have people knocked unconscious so that they can steal their kidneys.

    Also, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as it is called, uses radio waves to communicate. I worked with radio waves in the US Navy. Radio waves DO harm the body.

    So, another reason to vote against this communistic idea.

    You should protest these potentially hazardous practices.

  4. Well - what do you think REAL ID is??  It's the opening gun of the chip in the hand thing.

    The governor of Montana said that we aren't having anything to do with REAL ID.  Several other governors have also said that.  We aren't playing - and we're waiting for a sane president who will kill this piece of n**i bullsh*t.  

    Bush pushed through his little n**i "Homeland Security" - a favorite of the whole Bush family are these Neo-n**i terms (New World Order).  Vote Obama - let's get rid of this useless republican c**p.

  5. I think that if we truly we overtaken by the beast in such a way, that the barter system would be implemented by the people... Many will just roll over to this tyranny, but many will not... and I am one of them... It has nothing to do with the mark of the beast thing...It has to do with government control and keeping the masses dependent on the government....

    We used to be a barter society, and I think we will eventually return to such...I also think that it may not be far off...and I also think that theft will also escalate, so it is in every-ones best interest to lay in the firearms and ammunition now...

    It's already gotten expensive for ammunition, wait too much longer and it'll be even more....

    I stocked up in the late 90's, and looking at the prices today, I made a good choice....

    Also be ready for food prices to increase by 200-300% over the next 9+/- months...

  6. I would grow my own food,or die.

  7. I would grow my own and support the agricultural black market.

  8. If that was the only thing you couldn't do without the chip, I wouldn't care much.

    But something like this just screams totalitarianism. It won't just be food you couldn't buy. You wouldn't be able to get medical attention, get government services, be able to vote, etc. And not altogether because of a want of government to completely control us, either. There are other reasons, and some are legitimate.

    Think about how many times you scream and yell about how you can talk to a corporation, like a cell phone company, and get sent to 10 different departments over the telephone to resolve a simple issue, and everyone of them asks you the same information over and over again. Things like this will aid and speed up commerce.

    Not to mention that people like me, who have been transferred 4 times in the 14 years I've worked for my company, I get a new doctor and dentist every time and it's a royal pain. Not to mention my insurance changes. Wouldn't it be somewhat nice to be able to have your medical records stored in something like this and only you could make it access the information (no stealing the chip by gutting you or some silliness like that).

    How about other things, like real security. The police are going to be stressed and understaffed even more as we go along. If you had a way to transmit a danger signal when you were being attacked, wouldn't that be helpful to both you and the police? They could concentrate on the people that really needed the aid.

    Of course, we all know it wouldn't just work one way, and that's why I'd oppose it until you could have some real safeguards on the data.

  9. That is already happening in some countries and it is called the mark, it is spoken of in the Bible, where do you think Hollywood got it from?

  10. I agree with Michael. I remember that movie, I figured you got it from that. I wouldnt do it, so I'll just be a fugitive of the law

  11. being an american, i would throw the tea in the harbor again, overthrow our current self rightious overindulgent government and start anew

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