
What if you couldnt have the baby and your parents force you to kill it

by  |  earlier

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  1. if you mean abortion .. i think this has just happened and you havr two options :

    1-moaning this for the rest of your life and doing things to forget and waisting your life which you will regret later .

    2- let it go .. not forgetting about it but learning from it .. try to be successful and depend on your self so no one would tell you what to do and you can have many babies in the future .  

  2. Depends on if *you* want to have the baby.  If your parents aren't supportive in helping you raise the baby, if that's the case, then put it up for adoption.  But if *you* don't want an abortion (and I'm guessing that is what you are talking about), then convince the parents to put the baby up for adoption.

  3. no one can force you to abort a baby. move out get a job and learn methods of birth control so it dont happen again.  

  4. I wouldn't listen to them. It's not their decision to make. Actually, my mom wanted me to abort my first born, so I moved out and had the baby, and I'm SO glad I did because she's my everything. But yeah, legally your parents have no right to tell you to abort the baby.

  5. uhm, no one can force you to do anything love.  

  6. eh?

  7. Is your question about whether it is better to have an unwanted baby rather than the daughter they have raised? If you couldn't have the baby it would be be because it would be dangerous to your health? Then yes, they have the right of life and death over the unborn to protect the mother.

  8. its your body and your baby, you will make the final decision. I hope it is to have the baby.

  9. you cant be forced to kill a baby through abortion even if your parents want you to,the clinics would not allow it

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