
What if you disagree with FF

by  |  earlier

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Well this last month, I got a positive opk on the 20th and FF says I ovulated on the 20th..... I have had this strange sneaking suspicion that I ovulated on the 22nd (mostly due to cm). So FF says I'm supposed to start AF today, and as of 10pm so far not even a SIGN of her. I'm thinking I shouldn't be expecting it until Monday. I tested today and BFN. I know FF isn't an exact science, but what if I'm right and it's wrong? Can/should I change my chart? or should I just leave it alone. I'm very new to charting, this is my first month.




  1. I am going through the same thing. FF says that I should be starting my period a day after I should be. I know myself better then that! Sometimes it just doesn't get dates right, according to your own cycle. And it is giving me test dates of like 3 days after my period... I am not waiting that long! LOL... Sometimes I can't stand FF, but other times I love it...

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