
What if you do not get along with your soul mate?

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I have been married to what others refer to as a " good man." He does not drink, do drugs or smoke and he is not abusive. I have been told, he is my soul mate, by several people, who are into that sort of thing.

I am into that sort of thing, too, but he and I are different as night and day. He loves to play Second life, and spends hours, daily, on that game. Fine with me, as it keeps him out of my hair. But I get upset when I hear him, ( he does not know know I am there) speak to the woman , in this game who is his "wife", and he never speaks to me that way. I confronted him, and he says "when I do..." it ended up his blaming me . I told him, " we know u dont mean what you say, when you say " I love you,"please don't lie to me anymore." I felt good about it. Well, what to do, when the one who is your soul mate,and you are his, and you are not in love with him, nor do you love him?

Karmic debt: We stay together for the kids. We are like " Friends with benefits." not hubby and wife. We have been married 12 years.




  1. Well, perhaps you have graduated from this soul mate, and now need to find someone who shares your interests. I think it is possible to have more than one soul mate in a lifetime. If we've really had all those past lives we've probably met more than one person. Know what I mean?

    My mom and dad "stayed together for" me, and I wish that they had never done so. It can put a lot of stress on the kids.

    Maybe it is time to do something good for you in this life.

  2. I read somewhere that a soul mate does not necessarily mean a life-mate. I wish i could remember the book- maybe it was by Edgar Case??? . From my understanding a soul-mate can be someone that you were connected to in a past life, or someone who is your other half. They are to help you grow in the life-time, but that doesn't mean that you will be with them the whole time.

    The following comes from the web link i have which i think may help you if you are only staying with him because he is your "soul" mate.

    Soul Mates and Twin Flames are not the same thing. Soul Mates are other souls that have agreed to connect with you on this planet for a purpose. In some cases it is to clear up karma, in other cases it is to finish unfinished business, and for some it is to accomplish a particular goal together. These relationships may be

    a joy to be in or these relationships may be a pain in your life. Either way they are here for a reason.

  3. He is not your soul mate. If he were, you wouldn't need other people to tell you - the two of you would know. It sounds like ya'll are a fairly normal, yet kinda dysfunctional married couple....nothing too exciting, no real reason not to stay.

    Oh, I don't know anything about this Second Life thing....but if it's a real lady that is his "wife" and he tells her that he loves her....I might be thinking she is his soul mate. My soul mate would NEVER profess his love to another woman, nor would he spend time with some Internet chick instead of me.

  4. Get him off of Second Life and get him into his First and ONLY life.

  5. Sounds like he's not actually your soul mate. You believe that because others say he is, but not by your experience. If you two really feel so incompatible maybe it's time to split, and it sounds like you can do so on good terms. Don't condemn yourself to a loveless life, get out there and find a guy that's truly meant for you.  

  6. Game or no game, no other woman is his "wife" in reality or otherwise and you should tell him that. If my husband did that I would tell him that it's disrespectful and it makes a mockery of marriage and I wouldn't stand for it. I may be very traditional in that way, but my man better not call another woman his girlfriend, wife, or anything else in person or a game!

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