
What if you don't have car insurance?

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My daughter got a letter from the DMV in Ohio requesting that she shows proof of liability insurance that would have been in effect on May 30th or she will get a 90 day suspension of her drivers license. If she got insurance now would they still revoke her license? I'm hoping for some ideas to help her as she drives a school bus and can't afford to lose her license.




  1. Most sates (maybe all at this point) require any car that is on the road that is registered to also be insured.

    The insurance will have to show the car has been insured the ENTIRE time it has been registered and on the road.

    I used a waiver once, and it worked, when my car was being fixed for like 6 months. The car was registered but I stopped paying for insurance because the car was off the road. No reason to pay for it.

    If you can prove the car hasn't been driven then you'll be fine. If not now you know the law and it is time to pay up.

  2. You say it has to be dated before May 30th. That's not until next week so she has a week to get insurance. She can go online to get quotes and a policy.

  3. Since May 30th hasn't arrived yet, I will assume that if she gets insurance today, May 23, she will be able to show coverage for May 30th.  If you mean April 30,  I think She is out of luck.

  4. if she gets insurance now, she should be fine.  May 30th isn't here yet.

    Just keep the law in mind in the future.  She has a job that deals with driving.  Its important to obey all driving laws in you state.

  5. If she was driving a bus during that time, then the company that she drives for would have to have her listed on their insurance. Have her talk to HR and get a letter stating that she was covered under their insurance. If they are wanting proof that a car was insured and it was not, you better have a good reason (it was not running) that it hasn't been insured. Get insurance as soon as you can.

    A site I've recommended in the past would be...

    Hope that helps.

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