
What if you found a new job, and you hate it. You want to find a new one what should you do?

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I work at McDonald's and everyone speaks spanish and there is only5 or 6 people that speaks english and they all try to take orders but they cant and then I get in trouble for them but I try to tell them it was not me. What should I do?




  1. I also worked at McDonald's and had a similar problem but I would recommend that you do the same thing that i did and for you to find a new job with better conditon and probably even better pay.

  2. What else are you gonna

    do?so duh get a another job !!

    Uh Duh Girlfriend!

  3. I think most people have this experience at some point in their life.  (That is, they get a new job and they hate it.)  

    My suggestion is to tell your boss what the problem is in the most diplomatic way possible and see if you can work out a way to make it better. Like, if they have mostly English speaking customers, it would make more sense to have you taking orders than to have somebody who speaks English as a second language taking orders while you make the sandwiches.  Maybe they can re-shuffle or something.  If there doesn't seem to be a solution, then look for another job.  

    Whatever you do, though, don't just up and quit abruptly, because a prospective new employer will count it against you if they hear you did that.  Two weeks' notice is the standard polite amount.

  4. thats a tricky situation if i were u i would just find  a new job its not like McDonald's is a big opportunity job

  5. Keep working there, do your best and be respectful, but be job searching at the same time.

    When you find a job you like, give notice to quit and send in your resume for the new one.

    Never have a false sense of loyalty to a job you hate.

    No money is worth it, if you’re being paid to do something you hate, with people you hate.

    -If you get the new job, awesome, take it, best wishes, and never look back, unless you need a reference. If you were a good worker, you just didn’t like it there, you can ask for a reference for the new job.

    -If you don’t get the new job, hang in there, keep looking for a job you like, or can at least stand.

    Good luck, hang in there!

  6. Honey, find another job before you leave this one, work is a big part of our life, so if you are not happy it is not going to change, and it can really get to you.  

    So chin up and find a job that will suit you and you enjoy. Don't settle for second best.

    I wish you all the best.

  7. talk to the manager. explain your situation. tell him/her that you would appreciate some help trying to resolve the matter and are open to suggestions, otherwise you will need to find another job

    if that doesn't work threaten them with Wendy's. the better dollar menu will scare them. if not, you may need to trump them with the Arby's card.    market fresh!!!! -what!!!!!

  8. haha.  Yeah, look for a new job before you quit, otherwise you're left jobless.

  9. You tell your BOSS what your problem is And in your SPARE time put in applications at other Stores Like a BOOK STORE or MOVIE THEATER.

  10. Hang on to this job for now, but search for a new one.

    And stand up for yourself, you'll feel better.

    And even if they do get mad, your planning on quitting anyways.

    I've always regretted not standing up for myself when I worked at Taco Bell.

  11. Look for a new job.......

  12. Don't quit, find a new job first. Or learn Spainsh.

  13. Weigh out your options!!!

    Does the job pay good money?

    Will you move up to be manager? OR.....

    Tell the MGR that these people need more training and that your thinking of moving on because of this. I really like my job but............It's very hard to deal with people that don't have the experience to do the job like I do.

  14. restaurant jobs have a high turn over rate.  find a new job, then quit mc d's.  good luck with your job search!  

  15. get a new job!!

  16. Start looking out for places that are hiring and fill out some applications. Stay at McDonald's until another place hires you. This same thing happened to my friend, and both employers understood exactly what she was going through.

    To prevent a language barrier next time, try to ask the interviewer what is the main language that most of the employees speak.

    I hope this helps :)

  17. def look for a new job, if you have experience in other things , just go for it.  Go everywhere and apply like crazy . its the worst having a suck *** job.  You can do it, it just takes motivation, and the balls to tell the f you and get a job that treats you with respect.  But make sure you have another job before you quit of course ahha.

    i hope i helped, ive had alot of jobs  haha

  18. well i suggest you start looking for a new job but since you need the money, stay at your job until you can find another one.And, really stand up for yourself when people start blaming you for what other people did.

  19. Ask to speak to your supervisor alone.   Under NO condition will you say bad things about ANY employee.   Instead, you will ask for HELP in doing a better job communicating with the other employees.   Explain that you don't know Spanish and it is difficult for you.   Explain that you want help in knowing how to handle the day-to-day issues that come up.

    Then let the supervisor do ALL the talking.   Listen carefully.  Don't be negative.

    If this doesn't clarify things then start looking at another job.   Maybe even another McDonalds.

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