
What if you had been great friends with a guy for 5 years, and then he told you he was g*y?

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I'm interested in people's responses.

What if you had been really good friends with a guy for 5 or more years. I mean excellent friends. Hunting buddy, fishing buddy, etc... And he came to you one day and told you he was g*y, but would never hit on you or make any passes at you?

Would you immediately hate him, and never speak to him, even though he is like a brother to you?

This is more directed at men, but women feel free to answer as well.





  1. u can only do that if ur homophobic. which would still be totaly f*cked up!so i just wouldnt do anything about it. act normal. and act like nothing happened.

  2. Id be happy that my friend would tell me this as I dont think it would be easy...Because thats what friends are for!Right?

  3. I wouldn't feel hate towards him at all. If he was cool with me all those years and I was cool with him, then sexuality shouldn't matter in the first place.

    It's amazing how some people can change and turn on others in situations like this, even when they've been great friends for years.

    If he was your "real" friend, he wouldn't care. Unless of course he's an insecure, homophobic dude.

    Im so baffled that people even still care what sexuality anyone is. It doesn't matter cuz it's not like they'll have to watch you while you have g*y s*x....hahaha

  4. I would probably jerk him off at a party, honestly.

  5. Hi Josh

    From what you say it seems your good friend wanted you to know. I think he may have feelings for you. How you re-act to this situation is over to you. May I suggest that even if you don't have similar feelings that you respect his feelings & just tell him kindly that you don't want to have a relationship with him.

    Remember your friendship - I am sure you can still be friends even if you don't share his wish for intimacy.

    All the best. I hope you can continue your friendship.

  6. It sounds like he understands you aren't g*y and enjoys the friendship you have.It also sounds like he wants to bring his boyfriend on hunting/fishing trips and that is why he told you he is g*y.

    Do you allow spouses/girlfriends/boyfriends on these trips?

    I would stay his friend and accept him as you always have.He is still the same person only he told you something you didn't know before.

    If he can accept you as straight,accept him as g*y.

    Is he any less manly because he told you?Or is he more manly to admit it?

    I am female and this is what I would do.

  7. i'm bi, almost g*y and i have told a few of my really close friends that i can trust with my life and they have understood and even gone shopping more with the girls:D which was ubar fun:D n the guys totally understood

  8. No.  I don't think there's anything wrong with being g*y and if we were like brothers, nothing could change that.

  9. If he was a really good friend i guess i wouldn't care.

  10. I don't see why you would completely shut him out and hate him for being g*y...I mean he is still the cool guy that likes to hunt and fish and everything. He is just attracted to men. He knows that you are straight and if he said that he would never hit on you, than he knows that you are straight and he respects that. So why can't you accept and respect the fact that he is g*y? It is not like he is going to run out and buy a bunch of womens clothing and start making out with dudes in front of you.

    If he is like a brother to you and you love him for who he is, then get over it! I know it is shocking and probably hard to accept right off the bat, but isn't his friendship worth that to you?

    I know it is wierd....My step brother (who I remember playing cars and power rangers with when we were young) suddenly came out of the closet when I was like 14. It was odd but whatever he is still a good person and we have a lot of fun together. I even went to a g*y club just to support him. I am not saying that you should do that, but I mean hey I love him and I wanted him to be happy and know that I support him no matter what.

    So who is to say that he is not the same cool guy that you spent all those years with while having fun together? Try not to freak out about it. Tell him that your still his friend but he should understand that it is kind of wierd for you at first and that you may need some time to get used to it. But you should still want to be his friend no matter what.

  11. i wouldnt really mind i would b like "thats kool az long az u dont phisically touch me in an unconfortable way or jus wanna ask me to have s*x! but ur still a brother to me and thats okay to tell the truth to things u have to get out!"

  12. If he is that good of a friend it shouldn't matter. And it's his personal preferance. The way i see it it doesn't matter as long as people are happy. I had a friend from 6th grade and we are still friends (going to be juniors) and freshman year he came out (we all think because he met another one of my friends who was a g*y female) but there was nothing wrong with it we were still friends but eventually he went bi and now says he is straight maybe it was just a phase for him? But it shouldnt change they are still the same person.

  13. If we were really good friends, like siblings, then I think I'd have already known.

    Anyway, I'd still be his friend.  A persons orientation doesn't change their personality.  It would be sad to give up a good friendship just because the other person was g*y.

  14. If we were friends for 5 years this wouldn't affect our friendship at all.

    He's still the same person he always was. If I let this affect our friendship, then I would be a phony and not worth being friends with.

  15. Consider why he has been your friend for 5 years.  If those facts haven't changed...he's still your friend...and you are still his.  

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