
What if you had the power to controll time?

by  |  earlier

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I'd rob the bank and go to the future




  1. Funny how all the answers are about making money (I'd prolly do that too), but what about going back and seeing real dinosaurs, or what Rome was like, or finding out who really killed JFK, or maybe killing Hitler when he was still a young man?


  2. why rob a bank when you can go to the future, steal future revolutionary designs, patent them now and sell them to massive corporations, one, making a stupid load of money for yourself, and second, itll advance technology by 10 fold, and then just nick more ideas for more money

  3. I'd go back to the Middle Ages and rob a few peasants, much easier, and their stuff would be worth a fortune in the present day!

  4. I'd just go to Gamestop and get free consel that I need to complete the collection ( Wii, 360, PS3) then FREE GAMES. PLUS FREE MONEY. Please tell people about my Question.

  5. I'd take all my money (about 2k) and buy as many barrels of oil as I could, probably about 50. I'd sell them today. then I'd use that money to buy more barrels of oil. repeat.

    you ever seen click w/ adam sandler? you know the part where he slaps the c**p out of his boss? David hasselhoff? i'd do that too.

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