
What if you just keep going to school for ever? Would you EVER have to pay back student loans??

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I'm so in debt right now. It's crazy.




  1. Eventually you will have to pay something back.  They might decide not to let you take any more classes until you pay something...

  2. Yes.  There is a lifetime max you can borrow, as well as a max amount of time you can defer.  Sorry, you'll still have to pay it back.

  3. Ironically, on my tenure with Sallie Mae, we had a specific customer who we referred to as a professional student.  Unfortunately, she had reached her aggregate limits on her loans, and was no longer able to continue her deferment for inschool, and had actually used all of, and somehow surpassed her forbearance allotment.  She was in debt approx $240,000.00 with aggregate FFELP limits and private loans.  And it all came due.

    It isn't recommended to try.  Sometimes it is hard to pay back student loans, but there are options to make it a little easier.

    Good Luck!

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