
What if you knew about an iminent train wreck before it happened and were powerless to stop it ?????

by  |  earlier

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What if you knew about a hazard to a commutor train, told the train company and the Att.General /National Tranzportation Safety Comm. and got nowere!!! I see a landslide growing by the day near the commutor tracks in my town. IT started when a massive underground quartz cavity called a vug or druce collapsed and slidd down the embankment to land about four feet from the active track!!! I found out through further research the entire aria is filled with these crystal yealding cavities all very large some the size of cars. The train company in reaction to my pestering tried to cover up the hillsides dilapitated condition by covering up these massive holes with bark mulch to hide there presence!!! The train comp also tried to sue me for the landslide I fought it and won. I also noticed one landslide had been hastaly cleaned up. please help as I don't want to see this disaster happen!!!

The aria is still falling apart and there is a new landslide in same aria now about three feet from.




  1. i would laugh my *** off and be like sweet killert

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