
What if you lost everything you have?

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what if you lost all of your money, your house, your job, even your family..everything you have now. What would you do?will you just give up? will you try to kill yourself? how will you start again?




  1. Three things, in this order.

    First and foremost, I'd cry.

    Second, I'd drop to my knees, because I believe in that saying,  "there is no problem greater than the distance between the floor and your knees"

    Third, I'd pray...incessantly.

  2. i would pick myself up and start again...

  3. After a forest fire, when all seems lost, and little seems to have survived, there are small green shoots that come up out of the ashes, to give observers hope.  They are precious little seeds that have a special purpose in life.

    When all around seems lost with the exception of yourself, realize that you may be meant to carry out a special purpose as well, that you likewise are precious.

    How do you go on ?  Slowly, extending one leaf at a time, and taking advantage of the warmth and tender loving care of those who are willing to lend you a hand.  

    Your views play an important role in society, because you will learn to hold life more precious, and see more clearly than those around you.  You have the ability to bring hope in times of despair.  You are weak now, but you will grow in time to be tougher than you ever dreamed of before, because survival is a learning process.  Given time, you will grow, and the world will look upon you, and treasure your presence.

  4. It's impossible to lose everything unless you lose your own life.  Even then, if there is an still can be a positive thing.  Keep on keepin' on.

  5. I started again

  6. I have lost it all just keep on ..keepin on

  7. all the material things I would cope with ,family I just do not want to thin about it

  8. Money,property, job family etc.lass is very big but life does not end here.Start the life once again.

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