
What if you swallowed something alive and crawly. Would it be crawling in your body?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wondered that. Like if you eat an alive cocaroach or an ant or something. Would it still be alive and crawling inside of you? I know its gross but just wondering XD




  1. Not for long. Your digestive acids would take care of it very quickly.

  2. Don't worry.  Remember the Bile in your stomach is also all through your digestive track in lover concentration.  If the muscles of the throat and digestive track didn't CRUSH it pushing it down, the acid would burn it, drown it...and  digest it, dissolve it.  Also, no need to worry about watermelons growing in your belly if you swallow the seeds. ;O)

    The EXCEPTION to this, however, is if you were to injest something like the TAPEWORM.  Something MADE to resist your defenses and live off of you.  

    But mealworms, roaches, ants... those don't last long so feel free to chow down if you really want. *shudder*

  3. 40 minutes later you would p**p it out

  4. No, it wouldn't survive lol.. it would die almost immediately when you swallowed it.

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