
What if you think your dog is a mixed breed...?

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but its actually a purebred

and you think your dog is a purebred but its actually a mixed breed?




  1. You never know...What if you think your dog is a purebred but really it is a mixed breed?

  2. Love them for who they are, not what they are.  That's how they love you.

  3. I have always thought that just b/c a dog has papers that does not mean it is a purebred dog.  The breeder could just lie about who the parents are.  Like if they have both parents on site but maybe the neighbors dog got to her.....

  4. If someone is really concerned about whether the dog is purebred or not, they can always have a DNA test done.  You can pick up the DNA testing kits at PetCo now.

  5. then you either ended up with a purebreed you didn't expect or a mix breed you didn't expect.

  6. and what does it matter as i'm not going to be breeding, just loving my puppy.

  7. For ages I thought my border collie was mixed with something.  Kelpie, or anything else.  Mostly because I didn't know they had short hair sometimes, and mind didn't get the telltale freckles.

    After I learned a whole heck of a lot more, I learned he's purebred, but not WELLbred (rescue)

  8. Meh, I'd be okay with it if I had adopted them from a shelter.

    But If I paid money for them from a breeder, and I paid for the pure bred, and for the papers that accompany the pure bred, I would be SERIOUSLY pissed off.

  9. I would still love them all the same!

    I could care less if its pure bred or Mix ( as long as I go to a Shelter for the Mix and a Breed Rescue/Reputable Breeder for the Pure Bred ).

    If you say that you wouldn't love your dog if it was a Mix breed or Vice Versa then I dont think you really are a dog lover.

    Thats just my Opinion though.

    GOOD Q!!

  10. What do you mean by=the mom,dad grandma- etc could not have? Could not have what? Did you get papers? If not then you might have a mutt.Truth of the matter is it sounds like you got what you paid for.So learn about the best way to care for your dog,get it fixed,get it all its shots and love this dog no matter what its linage might be.Its the training and relationship that makes the dog great not the papers.Tilks Mom

  11. unless I plan to show or breed (I really doubt i would) it means nothing, if my golden turned out to be a mutt, well I guess the best way to say it is... Tori (dog's name) is Tori...

  12. It doesn't change anything so why worry about it?

  13. It's not possible if you got the purebred from a responsible breeder. The parents, grandparents etc. would have had to be purebred and registered for each generation to be registered.

    If you'd gotten a mixed breed from a rescue and found it was purebred have a purebred but likely a badly bred one if the rescue couldn't tell it was purebred.

  14. if a purebred dog looks like a mixed breed, then it was very poorly bred.

  15. I think he's a mix because he looks nothing like what a beagle is supposed to look like. But chances are he's just really poorly bred.  

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