
What if you were driving a car and...?

by Guest67052  |  earlier

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you happen to be on a long trip your with your family wife or husband your two 10 and 11 years old sons and 15 year old daughter you see a stoplight and it was on green so you speed up and all of a sudden a young boy crossed the street to pick up something in the middle of the road will you turn the wheel around and crash onto a place knowing your family would die or run the kid over ( i know its sad but) or do you not have a choice and your instincts will say turn and crash




  1. I usualy think better under high stress situations. So The kid would have beem hit. Tough luck for him,

  2. This kid you're about to hit has no protection.   If you hit him he's definitely dead.  Whereas your family is in this 2 ton monster which is extensively crash tested and has numerous safety systems to protect the occupants, so it's extremely unlikely they'd be killed in the sub-45mph speeds legal where there are traffic lights and pedestrians.

    So, because of your misconception of the risk to your family, you would KILL a child in cold blood.


    You need to have your wife drive.

  3. you can't answere questions like this

  4. Instincts would make you turn. Most people most of the time.

      My son totalled his car trying to miss a sparrow sitting in the road.

  5. unless youre preoccupied with the boys fighting in the backseat, instincts will take over and you will swerve to avoid hitting what ever is in front of you. there was a story here in NM last month about a bus driver roling a bus to avoid hitting a RABBIT.

  6. Maybe if that kids parents were watching him, he wouldnt run out to the street but i would rather save my 3 kids than some kid. I would just blast em.

  7. In a situation like that you will not have the time to make a decision like that and your first instinct will be to avoid hitting the kid.

  8. hit the kid no ****

  9. Funny you should ask this question. My partners co-worker was delivery products and saw this happen. Some kids (jaywalked) across the street (well, they were more like running). The one kid ran back out in to the middle of the street to get something. The driver stopped. However, this big SUV that was coming up fast in the lane next to him didn't see any of this. As the kid started to run back across the street, he was hit by the SUV and the kid went FLYING!! (obviously dead).

    So, if it were me, I'd hit the kid and spare my family. The kids family could not sue me, as I was not negligent.

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