
What if you were stuck in an elevator with one of the Presidentional or VP candidates? Can you write.....?

by  |  earlier

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an amusing little story that includes at least 6 of these lines? This is just for the pure fun of being creative, friends.

1. I wanna sing, I wanna dance and I wanna a valium.

2. Your 'patriotism' sure developed rather RECENTLY.

3. I'm very, very curious about your need to ________.

4. I have a recurring dream about ________. Wonder what it means.

5. I always vote for the candidate that the Hollywood wackos despise.

6. Ssssssh! It's a secret.

7. d**n! I lost my decoder ring!!

8. The scurrying rat caused chaos!

9. Do wah diddy diddy.

10. Hmmmm.....No ambiguity there.

11. Well...... you can't please all the people all the time... and last night, all those people were at my rally.

12. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury.....Signifying nothing.




  1. Presidentional is not a word, you migraine.  Doing you homework for you will cost $85.00 an hour with a hour minimum and the 61st minute costs $85.00.  Please send your billing address and visa card number including your name and backside pin.  

  2. palin your patriotism sure delveloped rather recently  are you wear a red whit & blue bra to cover them up, I'm very curious about your need to drill and I been having a recurring dream about drilling your daughter , wonder what that means ,if you find out SSSSSsssh it's a secret , do you call john mccain DO WAH DIDDY DIDDY old white haired dude , about your speech d**n I lost my decoder ring all I heard was blah blah blah blah obama blah blah blah obama

  3. “Hi,  I'm very, very curious about your need to be in the White House. (1) While we are here, would you answer a few questions? Is this really about being the most powerful person in the world, or is it that you want the pension plan that comes after being in office for only four years?”

    “I have a recurring dream about Swingvote being a real-life situation, Kevin. Wonder what it means? (2)

    “It was based on might happen in November.  Don’t you remember?  The polls have the two parties neck and neck”

    “ Ssssssh! It’s a secret (3) that my memory is doing rather poorly these day. The information highway has a ten mile backup on it.  Fortunately, my advisors tell me that all I have to do is to talk about how much I love my country and everything will be alright.”

    “You mean that the issues you were for don’t mean anything to you?”

    “Well...... you can't please all the people all the time... and last night, all those people were at my rally.” (4) I had to tell them something.”

    “But Sir, why did you break into a dance on the podium and say I wanna sing, I wanna dance and...."

    “I want a valium" (5)

    "Why didn’t you just say that the scurrying rat caused chaos up there?" (6)

    "Because political speeches are tales told by an idiot, full of sound and fury..... Signifying nothing. (7) after the election is over."

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