
What if your 16 year leaves?

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What if your 16 year leaves home and comes and goes as they like and the law said there is nothing you can do till there 18 do you put your food down and have then make a choice to stay or go or just let them do what they want?




  1. I'm sensing deja vu in my answers lol, but it's your house - your rules. I left home when I was 16 but when I went back home to visit I still had to abide by my parents rules. Sure I raided the fridge, but I'm still their daughter after all. (That's if you meant food... as for foot...) If they refuse to abide by your rules than yes, put your foot down. If they can't make up their mind whether to stay at home with you or leave, Tell them to leave. Make it clear you will not be treated disrespectfully and that they are old enough to know better. Tell them you love them and they are welcome in your house anytime, but you will not put up with c**p at the same time.

  2. Same as what if your 18 year old leaves or 20 year old leaves. Either they grow up or die. Same as if they were at home being spoiled the good thing is the street makes young ones grow up smarter than the in school pampered mommies little babies. If you and they get lucky though, and they realize that school is the only way they are going to be able to afford life in all it's price escalating glory and when a street smart kid learns to read and becomes book smart? Well that's d**n close to genius. Ask Donald Trump

  3. My 16 yr old could not leave if I am not funding it by way of cash, car or cell phone.  I would definitely put my foot down and turn their world upside down.  A 16 yr old does not have enough life experience to be on their own.  Good luck and be strong.

  4. being a "troubled" 16 year old once, and by stating "troubled" I mean, the same thing that sounds like you are going thru with your 16 year old. I thought I could come and go as I pleased, until my mom gave me the ultimatium. Either abide by her rules, which included a 9pm curfew, or leave. So I left. I had moved in with my older sister who was 20 at the time, and I turned into a full time babysitter. Meanwhile, still in high school, working 2 jobs, and trying to pay half of my sisters bills, I left and moved in with my dad who lived 45 min away. I kept my grades up in school, and graduated early so I was able to move so far away. I learned the hard way about being a minor, and that maybe I didn't have things so bad at my moms. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. But it took it awhile to see that.  

    With that being said, it's your house, so you make the rules, if your 16 year old can't see that, then let them find a way to fend for themselves. Remember, until they are 18 you are responsible for them. So if they stay out past the city's curfew, you can get in trouble for that.... not them. But also try to explain to them that the rules  you have set for them, is for their best interest. And being 16, they might not just see it as of yet, but when they get older they will know what you were talking about.

    Good luck!

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