
What if your boyfriend is inexperienced with kissing?

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So I have a boyfriend and he said that he hasn't had his first make out yet. But I have. Is it okay if I lead? Or is that not okay for a girl to lead? Please help!




  1. depends let him lead at first, see if he can pick it up on his own, be patient, if he thinks he's good but he suck try to tell him in a kind manner. If he rejects what you have to say, he's not worth your time and you will know why he has bad luck with women.

  2. it's fine to lead.  if you don't feel comfortable enough with this guy to show him how it's done, you shouldn't be with him in the first place.

  3. Yeah just show him what to do...some guys like it when girls pull a d********x thing on them.  As you get older you'll see that more and more.  Start early, young grasshoppah!

  4. Lead him, show him what to do. It's good because you can tell him what you want him to do so you won't get any surprises, just what you like!

  5. you can lead, and he'll follow.

  6. well yeah its fine if you lead, teach him a few things.

  7. Lead the first time and just show him

    then in the future he will be the leader

    it's totally fine!

    Have fun!

  8. You can lead but if your boyfriend is high with his manly pride like I don't want girls to do that, let him try to start.  

  9. Lead girl, LEAD.  Otherwise you'll be left feeling like you're kissing a frog.  Tell him you want to try something on him.  Once you're done, then tell him you REALLY want him to kiss you like that!

  10. Guys don't care if you "lead"  they just want some tail.  Give him the experience he needs.

  11. It's ok for you to lead. Make him feel comfortable about it.

  12. you definitely need to lead.

    be subtle about it. maybe he's actually really good!

    just do it with him a lot and then he'll get better and have experience!

  13. I recently had a boyfriend who liked the fact that I had more experience kissing. I have actually taught.. a couple guys how to kiss better? Yeah my first kiss was in, like... 9th grade and I have to teach my boyfriends how to kiss? Haha Don't worry about it, he may just adjust to you, not every first kiss is a slobberfest.. and if it is, take it over! <3 have fun (only kissing. =])

  14. If he's inexperienced, give him experience!


  15. you need to tell him what you like, when he does what you want, say mmm, thats better.  

  16. yeah its totally fine. you have to lead the first time and show him what to do and how to make out. other wise he will never get the experience.  it might be weird at first but just wait it out untill he gets the hang of it

  17. it's okay... you can lead. And stop at kissing.

  18. that's how it was with my bf because i was his first girl friend yet he was my second bf, just go and teach him, he will get the hang of it and this way if you teach him he will be a good kisser because your the one who showed him

  19. instruct him with what you like.  and have him follow your lead.  that's the best you can do

  20. definitely lead the first time, it will show him what to do and help him realize what you want. just be sweet and playful about it, dont make him feel bad.

  21. give him experience

  22. wait for the right time and moment. Remember...timing IS everything.And when the right time and moment comes and you feel like it's okay to lead....then lead. And for someone inexperienced try "dry" kissing first. Ya know, the "dry French kiss" which is French kissing without tongue. Then slowly ease your tongue in his mouth and try to guide him from there. You  never know...he may pick right up on it!! Wish you the best, hon.

  23. no!! its actually cute that he doesnt know. you should be happy to teach him, its perfectly okay.

  24. Just show him what to do.

  25. show him what you like, he'll thank you for making him better at it.  (lead with what you do, not what you tell him though) then his ego wont be bruised but he'll for sure learn.

  26. No you def lead, he will follow!!!!

  27. You may come across as a 'girl' who has been around.

  28. Are you kidding!  I'm sure if you took the lead he would be in heaven!  I know lots of guys who fantasize about being pushed up against a wall and ravaged by a girl!  Go for it!!!

  29. i would say it was ok for you to lead because obviously he dont know what he doing so you can make it more enjoyable for the both of you

  30. Put yourself in his shoes. Think of how you would have wanted to be treated. Most importantly, dont ask us, ask him.  

  31. It's definitely ok for you to take the lead in the beginning. It's a great way to show him how you like to be kissed too!  

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