
What if your car can run on ethanol and gas?

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my truck can run on unleaded fuel or ethanol but i dont know if, i have unleaded fuel in the tank mixed with ethanol if it will work or do i have to fill it with either unleaded fuel or ethanol not both.




  1. You can have any mixture of ethanol and gasoline in your tank and your car will run fine.  It can be 0-85% ethanol.  I own a mercury grand marquis which can run on either and I have had everything from 10% ethanol to 50% ethanol in the tank.  I'd encourage you, since you are one of the lucky ones who can do it, to use ethanol as much as possible.  It is cleaner burning, renewable, and made in America.  gasoline is none of those things.  Ethanol improves our environment, economy, and security as a nation.  Ask yourself this---would you rather buy fuel from an american corn farmer or a saudi oil sheik?

  2. MS, unless the POWER used to distill the alcohol is coming from nuclear or solar power than you are still feeding the middle east oil bandits, because heat must be generated and a LOT of it to distill the methanol.

    The benefits of ethanol from corn simply don't exist.  It takes more energy to produce the methanol than methanol is capable of releasing.

    Alcohol absorbs water like mad and contaminates VERY easily.  It also burns at a much faster rate than gasoline.

    E-85 fuel cost 5-10% less than regular and you need nearly 20% more to equal the same mileage.

    Long term effects of the exhaust is still a relatively unknown.

    Bottom line:  NO BENEFIT!!!  Actually it's a negative!

  3. Your car will run on the mix. If you are using e-85 you are already using a mixture of unleaded fuel and ethanol so adding a little more unleaded fuel will not hurt your car. T

  4. most cars CAN NOT run on ANY mixture.

    you have to have a "flex fuel" car to run it.

    the computer programs can't handle the extra fuel required to run ethanol.

    why would you want to use it anyway?

    you lose gas mileage because of less btu content in the fuel compared to gasoline.

  5. Most cars today can run on any mixture of it.

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