
What if your child is 21?

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What if your child is 21 has a job,apt,and graduated from college but is going to go 1 more year on scholarship?Should u still have to pay?




  1. I would let he/she know that we'll be there if truly needed(only if you can afford to),but that you expect them to do the best they can as they are know adults and living life as a responsible adult will be hard .Just remember that you have done the best you could,now its time to cut the apron strings and let them get on with their lives.21yrs is an adult and apparently they life the life of adulthood(living on their own).They need to do as much as possible on their own,without you there to pick up the pieces.Let them go and find their own way.Things will work out fine.If he/she falls into trouble ,be there to guide them,not take care of it for them.

    Help teach them,and guide them when needed,but never do it for them,as they're on their own.

    Good Luck

  2. As a parent, if I could afford to help i certainly would.

  3. You don't have to pay a dime at all (no matter if hes 18 or 21 or whatever) if you don't want to.

  4. You should split the cost, 50-50

  5. Well its a scholarship so it will be paid for but if not, you should only pay if you can afford to and if you feel like your child deserves it. You could get your child to take out a  loan and you could make the repayments for the year, until they get a job. That way you are helping them out in the short term and they can take over the responsibility when they can afford to.

  6. if it's on scholarship, the organization funding it should have to pay.

    but if he does need extra money, you're in no way obligated.

    does the 21 year old's job have the option for tuition reimbursement? some places will fund continuing education, i would look into that.

  7. only if you love your son

    if you don't no

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