
What if your family don't like your boyfriend to be your future husband? What will you do?

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What if your family don't like your boyfriend to be your future husband? What will you do?




  1. They will just have to lump it. They are not marrying him, it is your decision who you want to get married to.

  2. Its your decision.They have no place to your relationship

  3. in fact i give my opnion just only don no what girls think about it .. by the way .. u talk about husband .. thats mean u talk about love and sharing life with this man .. so i think the famely always right coz only one thing they older than us so they know more than us about this things .. so u have to think and see why ur famely don like him may be coz u like him and love him u don see hes bad ways or how worse man he is .. sometimes famely be wrong but not always .. u hace 2 think if he really ur mate or u will lose ur famely after that one or tow years ur boy will go out and u have a kid from him .. that mean lose everything ... try to think and ask ur friends about that  .. sorry i don mean ya an just talk 2 ya thats my mean ;).

  4. Shave ...

  5. I think you should sit down with your family and ask them to list the specific reasons why they don't like your future husband.  if all the reasons they list are petty or stem from the fact that they really don't know him then give them time and they might come around.  Its your relatonship not there's if you think you two can last the distance then thats all that matters.

  6. life is hard

  7. You can't let your family dictate who YOU want to be with. If you love him, that's good enough and your family has to respect that. The real question being asked here is: Do you want your boyfriend to be your future husband?

  8. Listen to what their concerns are with an open mind.  Your family knows you and they love you.  You should evaluate what they are saying to you and step back from your relationship to see if their concerns are real.  When you are in a relationship not everyone is going to approve of the partner you choose.  Your family generally wants you to do well and to prosper. Your family wants what is best for you. When you marry you leave the family and you cling to your husband and you will start your own family. always choose a date that would make a good mate was a sentence sermon I use to hear at home.  Make sure you and the potential mate have similar backgrounds, interest, dreams, and that they have your best interest at heart. Love can be instant yet for it to last you both have to give and take. Which are you the giver or the taker?  How does he treat you? Like a queen? would he leave everything for you? Are you first and foremost in his life?  What does he expect from you? Can he support you? Can he take care of you?  How does he treat you in public? IN PRIVATE??  Think long and hard before you leap your family is sending up red flags.

    It is your decision and your family will be there no matter what...WILL HE BE??

  9. My sisters don't like my husband.  Because he's not a loud mouthed thug, and because he IS quiet and reserved, they automatically think he beats me and won't let me out of his sight.  (Which is NOT the case at all)  They really don't have a reason not to like him, but they don't determine my life.  We've been married almost 10 years, and I could care less what my family thinks.  The only person I cared about hurting was my grandfather (and of course, I had to answer the question if my husband was mistreating me, cause they ran and told him), and my grandfather has been gone almost 5 years now.  Marry who you want and don't worry about what your family thinks!

  10. He is marrying you not your family

  11. maybe they like them , cause their family don't like them ,,,,, this is what happen to me ,,,,,, and now I am stuck with in laws that don't like me ,,,,,,,, so maybe the boyfriend ,, better watch out for himself ,,,,,,, and ask do these people like me ,,,,, cause once your married ,,,,, your stuck with them ,,,,,, like they are you ,,, and in someways ,,, it has made my married stronger ,,,,,, good luck ,,,,,,

  12. mind if i ask why they don't like him? maybe they have a reason?

  13. i would not dine out with any of them to punish them..

  14. you are the one who is going to have to live with the man not them i am sure they can tolerate him long enough at family events. just make sure you are the one that is happy!

  15. Get a new boy friend that your family likes. Otherwise your life will be a mess.

  16. Well - if it can be retranslated to a girlfrend - then i can easyly say : My family can suck - ..... whatever they wish ...

    they have born me , rise me .. but i'm separeate human beeng - so - it's my descision - right or wrong - it's my !

    And i wish to live with it - taking resposebility for my descisions !

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