
What if your family don't like your boyfriend to be your husband? What will you do?

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What if your family don't like your boyfriend to be your husband? What will you do?




  1. i would dine out with all of them and explain the situation.

  2. Do nothing. If your family loves you they will come to their senses and see what you do in your bf and if not then just act like it's normal

  3. My granny was against my aunt marrying her husband, they've now been together over 20 years and have 7 children together and couldn't be happier. Do what you think is right. If you are certain that your boyfriend is the one then why shouldn't he become your husband, and if things don't work out, well, I'm sure you're family will be there for you.

  4. Dear Jeremy,

    well, that is tough.  Your family has to come first always.  You have to talk to them about why they do not like him.  They may have their reaasons.  

    Listen to them and then see what you think.  Remember you are their main concern and they are interested in your happiness and well being!!

  5. i'd smash my family

  6. ur family is not marrying him u are u deciden

    but don't hurt ur parents do it in a nice way make ur parents like him is ur responsibility

  7. Jim's right.

    There are so many men out there, perhaps your family sees things that you don't see right now... but you'll see it later on and be sorry.

  8. well it is up to you who you marry, but they may have a good reason why they don't want you to be with him.  You may be blinded by lust and can't see the real person, or your family could just be a bunch of azz holes.  Or you are to young to get married, which is a possibility due to your spelling and grammar.

  9. i'll tell them to go annoy someone else but i wouldn't marry that person right there and there. i would let time work its magic.

  10. if its c**p reasons be happy with you and your other but if there is good reason sit back and look at what might be causing these feelings and make an evaluation. then make your decision. but do it for your well being and not for your family.

  11. people usually marry anyway just to proove their parents wrong.

    but it usually does not work out in the long run. it's the wrong motivation to marry.

    but i won't get the 10 points for that answer will i?

  12. Don't do anything that will make you cut ties with your family.  They probably see something you don't.  Maybe they know your boyfriend is a giant douche.

  13. Take your time & don't make any decisions. Although families can be mistaken - they are often right!

    Think about why they don't want you to marry him. Have you told your family about diagreements? If so, they will remember those stories.

    Your family wants you to be happy - if you are certain your boyfriend is right for you, then you do not need to rush. Spend time with him and your family & let your family see why he makes you happy.

    Of course, you need to be prepared - you may discover that although you love him, you are not TRULY happy. If this is the case, you may have to deal with a broken heart. BUT I promise you - life is better than a fairy tale - there are hundreds of happy endings!

  14. no

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