
What if your future fiance wanted a ring from a private store rather than a mall/chain store?

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would it bother you if your fiance wanted you to buy her ring from a mom/pop, private store rather than a chain and/or mall store??




  1. I would ask the same thing... and if that is too good for her, than she is too good for you.

  2. Smart fiance!!!

    They have a better selection, prices are better and you get a better value for your dollar this way.

    If you go to a jeweler, you can print up pictures and have them design it the way you want for you and it'll actually cost you the same for a worse diamond and cookie cut rings at chain stores.

  3. I don't think it's a big deal. My husband actually proposed to me with a ring, and told me we can shop for a different one if I would like a different one- he just wanted one for the proposal. So we went shopping and picked out one together that we both liked. So unless she's demanding that you spend a ridiculous amount for a certain ring that you don't have the money for, I don't see anything wrong in going with her wishes. it's the most important piece of jewelry you'll ever buy her. She'll (hopefully) wear it EVERY day for the rest of her life.

  4. I don't really understand why that would bug you. At all. She probably wants a ring that is more unique. You won't be able to get that at a chain store. All their stuff is basically the same. The only reason I can think of that it would bug you is that you are lookig for the warranty offered by the larger chain stores. They are c**p. If something actually goes wrong with the ring the do their absolute best to get out of repairing or replacing it. You will most likely end up eating it. I speak from experience on that one.

  5. I personally think she is to materialistic what if her man's pockets could'nt afford a private store. She should cherish the fact that someone love her enough to wanna marry her and be grateful. The love is the true meaning not how big the diamond is or the fact it came from a private store. If you ever look in  The knot magazine you will find alot of jewlry designers from affordable to very expensive and truth be told they all look alike. Just my honest opinion

  6. Did you already buy a ring someplace that she is asking you to return?  If that is the case I could see why it would bother you but otherwise I understand her point.  I never much liked the idea of having the same engagment ring as 10 other people I know.  And most of those stores in the mall have stupid mark ups so you are not getting a good deal on the price of the ring.  If she is asking for a ring you cannot afford tell her so, she might just have no clue what your price range is or how much the jewlery she is looking at actually costs.  Just have an open conversation how what she likes vs what you can afford, she should understand and if you does not then there are other issues you need to deal with before getting married.

  7. that doesn't make sense for her to feel that way, why does it even matter where you get it from? a diamond is a diamond! and the privately owned stores jack their prices way up. i wanted my hubby to get a good deal and not waste a bunch of money so i'm so happy he got it at a chain store in the mall, and my ring is just as beautiful as one from a private store. they all come from the same place.

    i would ask your girl why she feels that way.. she sounds a bit controlling and also high maintenance. i have a feeling you are going to have alot of problems with her in the future, if before you are even engaged she is trying to dictate where you can even buy the ring!

  8. No wouldn't other me at all. I hate those chain jewelry stores. Nothing is ever unique or special. Which is exactly what her ring should be.

  9. I would think she has sense.  You are always better off with a private store.  Mall stores are usually c**p.

  10. Your better off getting a ring from a private store or a factory. Thats what we did and got a huge ring for ALOT cheaper. You defintly get more bang for your buck!

  11. No  it would not bother  me  at all,   because  a mom  pop operation will be more in touch with the sentiment  and will offer  you  the best  they can.  I have  a wonderful mom and pop jeweler  in my town  and  they are really  the best  I have ever  dealt  with.  They will repair,  and re size  their products  at no cost,.  they make custom pieces  too. They are all about quality, not profit.

  12. Absolutely not!  In my opinion mom and pop type of places are the only way to go otherwise you end up with the same thing as ten other women and nobody wants that.  I'd say no matter where she finds her dream wedding set you should support her in her decision and if you can afford it make her dreams come true!

  13. I would say she's being close-minded and sort of a snot.  The only thing that should matter is that you want to spend the rest of your life with her... a ring should not be the priority.  However, I know plenty of women who are materialistic and selfish enough to not marry a guy over ring issues.

  14. that would be fine.  smaller stores will probably have more of a unique selection than a huge chain store would and they will more than likely customize rings for you

  15. I'd say good for her!!

    While it's good to support a mom&pop type store for economical reasons, they will almost always offer you better quality for the price, and customer service. You can easily custom order a ring and design it yourself as well.

    My now-husband designed an engagement ring for me, which makes it that much more special!

  16. I would not mind, at all.

  17. It's much better to go to a private store, chain stores ring are all cheap and nasty, a custom made one will last til death do you part, one from a chain store will wear/lose it's colour/lose it's stones in a few years. Plus they aren't as nice

  18. I think you should be proud to be engaged to his woman. Not only is she supporting the local businesses, she is actually being considerate of your finances. The locally owned stores can give you comparable prices to the chains and the quality is most often better than the chains. Now you should encourage her to buy her wedding dress at a local shop and forget the wedding dress chain store.

  19. Your future fiance is one smart cookie

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