
What if your life is someone else's dream?

by  |  earlier

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Can it happen in this day and age? The person who is dreaming you must either continue to sleep so he can dream giving you life or, he is awake when you sleep, thereby giving himself a life of his own. Perhaps even during the waking stage, plan the next step in your life when he dreams again. The person dreaming, his own existence is to dream your life allowing you to exist in his dream world!




  1. What happens if you've got that sleep disorder where you can't get to sleep?? Does the other peron never wake up?

    Why would that be the case? Do you have any evidence to back up your theory? If you did that would be interesting, otherwise this belongs under philosophy, not science.

  2. I'm Doing it sometimes.. =)

  3. Given that,the person dreaming your life.They may be a character in a dream themselves.You dream right?It doesn't stop with you,so maybe it doesn't start with them.How many dreams within dreams are there?Who's having the first dream? The one that started it all.Ponderous dude ponderous.One thing though,I'm in most if not all my own dreams.How does that work?Is your dreamer someone you know?

  4. This is a funny question! Funny in that I have been wondering about that same question for years now.

    There's no way of proving that we are in someone elses dream. BUT the important thing here is that we can not DISPROVE it either.

    It sure would be interesting to find out.

    I also had a similar question that I've been pondering for the last year or so.

    Imagine a cell. Any cell in our body. ONE cell. Think about how small this one cell is compared to our whole body!! I mean, we need trillions and trillions of these cells to come together to make our body. One cell must be really really really tiny.

    If you took biology or chemistry, I'm sure you've learned about what certain cells in your body can do for you. The main idea is that we have different types of cells that do different jobs to make our body work.

    Now picture this...what if we (Earth - - each one of the planets) is a cell in somebody or something elses body?? Just one cell working and doing their own thing that somehow contributes to the whole body? It's tough for us to picture ourselves being inside another body but maybe it's because we are soooo small to see it. What happens if Earth is one type of cell, the Sun is another, and Jupiter is yet another? Space is soo vast! Maybe we're in the stomach of a body (stomach being our galaxy, cells = planets??) Kinda trippy huh?

    Do you think it's plausible to think of Earth as the nucleus and the Moon that's orbiting our planet its electrons?? Gosh, if it is, then our planet and its orbiting bodies would be an atom...but what is this atom a part of?

  5. thats a fun question to think about. if life was a dream though the people dreaming up our lives would have to be really boring. you'd think something impossible would happen if life was someone elses dream...

  6. Too late for this's called Buddhism...4000 years too late.

    Now if you asked "I wonder if someone could invent a light bulb", I might be intrigued.

  7. This is an interesting concept.  But on the lighter side, there are people who dream of having my life because of my line of work.

  8. Chuang‐tzu who is associated with the development of Taoism could not figure out, upon awakening, whether or not he was a man dreaming that he was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he was a man. It seemed to him that both existences were real, depending on the perspective one looks from.

  9. Then they're having a nightmare.

  10. If my life is someone elses dream then I must say, they truly SUCK. My life has had its moments, dont get me wrong, but on the whole someone really needs to get a life if I'm the best that they can come up with in their dreams. Anyways, back to reality for a moment, If we where someone else's dreams, how the h**l would we even be having this conversation( for lack of better word I guess). seriously, do you really think that everyones dreams can just freely interact with each other. that would require all beings doing the dreaming to have a singular conciousness, or at the very least sub-concious. If not then your dream would not be able to interact with mine. Now lets really have fun, if you are a dream then why can I still see you and hear you when your " dreamer" is awake. you should be gone, dreams are a state of mind, are you telling me your dreamer is never awake as long as you live, what is this person, in a coma. Time to move on to reality.

  11. I think this is such a good question! I believe that all of life is a dream...and I do believe I am part of everyone's dream, and they are part of mine.

    I am told we are all just spirits having a physical experience. Thank you for this question, love it.

  12. This my friend is a very interesting thought. I don't know...but it does stop and make you think. Good question.

  13. dude...thats deep, sometimes i think that......

    but the way i see it... when you are dreaming of another, you give them energy for the other day, giving them a second a cat! and they live longer, the more you dream of them. and when the dream is cut off, that extra life is also cut off...minusing the other yeah..

    and when you will all just be a dream if you were a very good person, and you get transfered into a know, people die...then another is born...weird? so...if you lived your life, and done with it, you will rest in a great place, known as heaven...which i wish to be when i am done with my life.

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