
What if your realization of this whole world's direction made you feel that there is no point in going on?

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What if your realization of this whole world's direction made you feel that there is no point in going on?




  1. I would pull myself up and realize that I would most definitely refuse to let the actions of others (no matter how awful they may be) get me down and deprive me of my right to a human experience on this planet.

    Every experience is one that feeds your true self, your spirit, no matter how crappy those experiences might be. Because when all is said and done, I have had happy experiences too and in my complete form I will have been able to say that I achieved a balance.

    I would turn , if things got bad, and look for something to bring joy into my life and ride it out for as long as possible...because the more I experience life, the better I can enrich my soul.

    Some things in this world make me absolutely sick and I am fed up with them to the point I could scream, but I would hate to let those things that I hate cheat me out of enjoying the so many things I love. I would not willingly or easily give up the love that I have for and feel from my soulmate in exchange for the atonement of someone else's sins, against me and/or others. I would love to just stop dealing with the ever present fear of the world situation but it's not worth getting rid of that fear, as the only way is through death, and have to sacrifice something as petty as finding joy in the consumption of fried pickles or laughing at the movie Idiocracy for the 100th time. One of my simple joys far outweighs the largest of things that pop up on the negative fringe of my environment.

    The way we believe, think and act casually on a day to day basis isn't as important as how we REACT when we're thrust into certain situations. That is what defines our true character and the strenghts and weaknesses that lie therein.

    Do you choose to be happy, or do you choose to let despair consume you?

    It's all in the focus.

    Edit: And too; I want to stick around and see the mayhem that's about to ensue....from a cave in the hillside! "...Front row seats to the End of Mankind!" What a show it's going to be!

  2. Look inward. Your path may cut through some bad neighborhoods, but just walking down it becomes worthwhile. Take a closer look.

  3. Well then I just go about my business until my time comes. There's no point in worrying about it. Just put energy into making the environment around you a pleasant one for others and for yourself.

  4. I would just try and make the best of it! Try to enjoy my life to the fullest and be happy!


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